Issue number one had a shiny white card cover with title and good photograph on the front and advertisements on the back – a pattern that would last beyond the first twelve issues. Since most effort would have gone into the production of this issue above all others, we can get an idea of what Walter wanted it to be. He actually talks about it on p21 where he calls it ‘the natural successor to the Scots Athlete’ and says he got the idea from Percy Cerutty. Anyway, here is the magazine, a few comments below.
And that’s the magazine that Walter wanted to produce. It’s pretty well what Scotland needs in the 21st century. There are contributions from far and wide with regular contributions from Emmet Farrell and Brian Mitchell, book reviews, coaching information, a letters page and a supplement with Scottish results in it. The comment about Percy Cerutty suggesting the production of such an article in Walter’s own comments on p21 is an interesting one. Was Walter ahead of his time? Probably!