Scoto-Irish International: 1907 & 1908

The 1907 international was back in Scotland, and in Glasgow again, at Ibrox Park on Saturday 29th June.   The team was a good one with Stronach in the hurdles, Nicolson and Kirk wood in the two throwing events McGough in the Mile and Tom Jack in the Four Miles.   Ireland had Con Leahy in the jumping events as well as Fairbairn-Crawford in the 880 yards and PJ Roche in the sprints so it was always going to be a close match.   The Glasgow Herald Notes on Sports column the following Monday commented –

The results:

100 yards: 1. PJ Roche (I) 10.4 seconds; 2. D Murray (I); 220 yards: 1. PJ Roche (I) 22.8; 2. RC Duncan (S) 

440 yards: 1. JF Kennedy (I) 51 seconds; 2. WD Anderson (S); 880 yards: 1. IF Fairbairn-Crawford (I) 1:57.2; 2. J Vallance (S)

Mile: 1. J McGough (S) 4:22.2; 2. GN Morphy (I); Four Miles: 1. T Jack (S) 20:22; 2. T Hynes (I)

120 yards hurdles:  1. RS Stronach (S) 16.6 seconds; 2. TF Kiely (I)

High jump: 1. C Leahy (I) 6′ 0″; 2. GM Mayberry (I); Broad Jump: 1. C Leahy (I) 21′ 9 3/4″; 2. RF Twort (S)

Putting the Weight: 1.  T Kirkwood (S) 44′ 3″; 2. J Barrett (I); Throwing the Hammer: 1. TR Nicolson (S) 153′ 7″; 2. T Kirkwood (S)


The match couldn’t have been closer.   You have to go back to 1901 to get as even a contest.   The next contest was also in Scotland – at the Exhibition Grounds at Saughton in Edinburgh – on 11th July, 1908.   The Scottish Referee summarised the past results since the fixture was inaugurated in 1895.

There was pessimism about the chances of the home team.   Stronach was not available, A Duncan was a non-starter in the Four Miles, John McGough had been ‘off colour’ for the previous several weeks.  On the plus side, Halswell was available, as was Sam Stevenson in the Four. Meanwhile Ireland had ‘man of might’ JJ Flanagan, holder of the world’s amateur hammer throwing record, and the brothers Murray were in the sprints, Horgan in the Weight Putt and the famous ‘Irish leppers’ , the Leahy brothers.    That was the bill of fare two days before the match and several of those named would not appear.   

The summary of the contest as it appeared in the Northern Whig

The actual results of the events were as follows.

100 yards: 1. PJ Roche (I) 10.6 seconds; 2. JP Stark (S); 220 yards: 1. RC Duncan (S) 23.2; 2. PJ Roche (I)

440 yards: 1. W Halswell (S) 51.8 seconds; 2. D Dickson (S); 880 yards: 1. GN Morphy (I) 2:00.8; 2. R Burton (S)

Mile: 1. HT Jamieson (S) 4:34; 2. GN Morphy (I); Four Miles: 1. J Murphy (I) 20:46.8; 2. S Stevenson (S)

120 yards hurdles: 1. TJ Ahearne (I) 16.8 seconds; 2. CE Kinahan (I)

High Jump: 1. C Leahy (I) 6′ 0″; 2. TJ Ahearne; Broad Jump: 1. TJ Ahearne (I) 22′ 5 1/2″; 2. WH Bleaden (S)

Putting the Weight: 1. D Horgan (I) 45′ 10″; 2. T Kirkwood (S); Throwing the Hammer: 1. C Walsh (I) 162′ 7″; 2. TR Nicolson (S)


Another victory for Ireland butit should be remembered that Scotland had lost the services of RS Stronach and other top flight athletes while McGough was well below par being third in the Mile.   Of the Irish team out that day, PJ Roche (200 metres), TJ Aherne (hurdles, long jump and high jump), CE Kinahan (as Aherne), GN Morphy (400 m, 800m and 1500m ), J Murphy (Five Miles), C Leahy and J Leahy (high jump and long jump) were all selected after the match as part of the Irish team to compete in the Olympic Games that year.   Recent competitors also selected were D Horgan, the Murray brothers in the sprints, JF Fairbairn-Crawford (800 and 1500) and LA Kiely (hammer and hurdles).

While Ireland was a country on its own for selection purposes, Scotland was part of Great Britain and the athletes were competing with the best of the Englishmen for places on the team.   Nevertheless Sam Stevenson, Tom Nicolson, and Halswell were all selected that year.   

The standard of competition was very high indeed.  Con Leahy of Ireland is pictured below after winning the silver medal at the 1908 Olympic Games.   The Irish ‘leppers’ were world famous and the country certainly produced many international class long and high jumpers.   About Con Leahy, Wikipediea has this to say (it also mentions several other top Irish jumpers of the time):

“Leahy was born in Cregganen the County Limerick-County Cork border.  He was one of seven brothers, all of whom were sportsmen. His brother Patrick won the British high jump record in 1898 and went on to win Olympic medals in 1900. Another brother, Timothy, also jumped competitively.

In 1906, Leahy, Peter O’Connor and John Daly, were entered for the Intercalated Games in Athens by the Irish Amateur Athletic Association (IAAA) and Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA), representing Ireland.   However, the rules of the games were changed so that only athletes nominated by National Olympic Committees were eligible.   Ireland did not have an Olympic Committee, and the British Olympic Council claimed the three. On registering for the Games, Leahy and his fellow-athletes found that they were listed as United Kingdom, not Irish, team members.   Leahy was subsequently involved in the protest at the flag-raising ceremony for the long jump when O’Connor scaled a flagpole in the middle of the field and waved the Irish flag.   Leahy won the gold medal in the high jump with 1.775 metres, beating Hungarian Lajos Gönczy by 2.5 cm. After his victory was certain, Leahy still tried to reach 1.83 meters, but he failed at this height twice. Leahy then took part in the hop, step and jump, which O’Connor won with 14.075 metres with Leahy coming second with 13.98 meters.

In the 1908 Olympic Games, Leahy again took part in the high jump. Three jumpers, Leahy, Géo André and István Somodi, shared second place with 1.88 meters behind the American Harry Porter, who won with 1.90 metres.”

Of those mentioned above, Patrick Leahy and Peter O’Connor also both competed in the Scoto-Irish series.

Scoto-Irish Internationals: 1905 – 1906

Wyndham Halswell

The 1905 Scoto-Irish international was back at Powderhall on 15th July and saw the debut in the match of Wyndham Halswell who had won the SAAA 440 yards a month earlier (24th June) at Ibrox and followed it with a third in the 880 yards.   He was to go on to have a wonderful career including the famous Olympic medal in 1908.

The results above are from the Londonderry Sentinel on the Monday after the competition.   Note that Scotland won every single running events with JP Stark (who had won the 100- and 220-yards at the SAAA championships) having a double in the 100- and 220-yards sprints.   The Four Miles race had a superb Scottish double with Olympians Sam Stevenson and Tom Jack filling both first and second and Con Leahy having a double (High- and Broad-Jump) for Ireland.   As in all athletic contests are is one performance that the spectators all talk about on the way home.   In this one it was Halswell.   The Scottish Referee had this to say about it.

The winning margin of 8 – 3 to Scotland was their third in seven years and the results were being shared between the two rivals on a year about basis. 


The next head-to-head was on 14th July, 1906, at the Ulster CC Ground in Belfast.   The Scots had a good team out – Halswell in both 220- and 440-yards, Sam Stevenson in the Four Miles, RS Stronach in the hurdles and TR Nicolson in the throws.   BUT – and there’s always a but – they had never won in Ireland.   Could they pull it off this time?   The Irish team had two or three familiar names from previous contests and here it is as printed in the Dublin Daily Express of June 25th.

Murray, Muldoon, Kiely, Leahy led a very good Irish squad.   Nevertheless the Belfast Evening Telegraph started its report on the match as follows

‘North Britons’ indeed!   However he did say that it was ‘the finest all round team that ever represented her.     How did the match go?   The Glasgow Herald report is below with results accompanied by a short account of the event.

Two consecutive victories for Scotland although McHough was defeated twice by the Irish opposition and Kiely turned out in the hurdles, where he was beaten by Stronach, and not in the Hammer where Tom Nicolson won for Scotland.

Scoto-Irish International: 1903 & 1904

The notice above is for the 1903 version of the international and it is of interest for several reasons.   For many of us the fact that tickets were on sale at Lumley’s in Edinburgh brings back memories of collecting tickets or entry forms for races all over the country in the Glasgow Lumley’s in Sauchiehall Street.   Life was easier, and therefore more pleasant, when you could just go into a shop, buy your ticket and then a few days later head for the sporting fixture of your choice.   Much simpler than going into the whole online rigmarole.   Second, a good seat in the Stands could cost up to four times the cost of entry to the ground.   

John McGough

On 18th July, 1903, at Powderhall Grounds, Edinburgh, Scotland had another victory over Ireland: 7 – 4 this time round with McGough taking revenge for his two second places in 1902, and Nicolson beating Kiely in the Hammer.   The weather early in the day was miserable and wet but it cleared up –  the track was left wet and heavy – although not enough to make it a big crowd.   Top events were:

Mile: McGough took the lead right at the start with Daly just half a yard or so behind him.   It stayed like this until the last half lap when Daly tried to pass.   It was a great tussle all the way home with McGough never headed, winning by about a single yard against a top class athlete.

Hammer: This was only the second time that Scotland had won the event.   The first ytime was in 1895 when the Scots style was followed, thereafter the Irish hammer and style was used and they had won every contest since.   Nicolson broke his own Scottish record by almost two feet.

440 yards: Watson and McKenzie neck and neck until the final 10 yards with Watson winning by inches.


100 yards: 1. D Murray (I) 10.4 seconds; 2. J Ford (S); 220 yards: 1. D Murray (I) 23..4; 2. RL Watson (S)

440 yards: 1. RL Watson (S) 52.2; 2. JJ McKenzie (I);  880 yards: 1. J McGough (S) 2:03; 2. W Roxburgh (S)

Mile: 1. J McGough (S) 4:40; 2. JJ Daly (I); Four Miles: 1. JB Cowe (S) 20:23.4; 2. H Muldoon (I)

120 yards hurdles: 1. GC Anderson (S) 17 sec; 2. D Carey (I)

High Jump: 1. C Leahy (I) 5′ 10″; 2= JB Milne (S) & R Murray (S); Broad Jump: 1. PJ Leahy (I) 22′ 5 1/2″; 2. C Leahy (I)

Putting the Weight: 1. TR Nicolson (S) 41′ 7 1/2″; 2. J Barrett (I); Throwing the Hammer: 1. TR Nicolson (S) 149′ 4″; 2. TF Kiely (I)


RS Stronach

16th July, 1904, at Ulster CC Grounds, Belfast were the date and time for the next international between the two teams.   

Results first:

100 yards: 1. D Murray (I) 10.25 seconds; 2. JP Stark (S); 220 yards: D Murray (I) 24.2; 2. JP Stark (S)

440 yards: 1. WH Welsh (S) 52.2; 2. JJ McKenzie (I);  880 yards: 1. JJ McKenzie (I) 2:03.4; 2. J McGough (S)

Mile: 1. J McGough (S) 4:27.6; 2. M Hyman (I); Four Miles: 1. H Muldoon (I) 20:37.2; 2. JJ Daly (I)

120 yards hurdles: 1. RS Stronach (S) 16.2 seconds; 2. GC Anderson (S)

High Jump: 1. C Leahy (I) 6’0″; 2. JB Milne (S); Broad Jump: 1. PJ Cusack (I) 22′ 3 1/2″; 2. C Leahy (I)

Putting the Weight: 1. D Horgan (I) 41′ 7 1/4″; 2. TR Nicolson (S); Throwing the Hammer: TR Nicolson (S) 158′ 11″; P Ryan (I) 


The detailed report below is from the Cork Examiner of the following Monday: interesting to note that the Irish expected Scotland to win the match but eventually won by the same score as the Scots at Powderhall the previous year.

Scoto-Irish International: 1901 & 1902

Into the new century and the first meeting of the two nations was on 29th June, 1901, at the Exhibition Grounds in Glasgow.   The score from the previous six matches was 6 – 1 to Ireland.   Could the Scots do better this time round?   The team included new man RS Stronach in the 120 yards hurdles, middle distance and cross-country champion J Paterson and WH Welsh in the quarter mile.   That the meeting was a success there can be no doubt.   But from the Irish perspective there was some head shaking over their prospects.   The following pessimistic preview in the Waterford Evening News was a fairly accurate forecast.   

The meeting was held ‘in splendid weather’ before a large attendance estimated at 10,000.  Despite the apprehensions of the writer above, the Irish team had some star performers such as Kiely and P O’Connor who had set a world’s record for the long jump that summer of 24′ 7 1’2″.    O’Connor was another wonderful Irish athlete.   Born in Millom, Cumberland in England, he grew up in County Wicklow.   In 1899 he won All Ireland medals for long jump, triple jump and high jump, he later set a world record for the long jump and won two medals in the intercalated Olympic Games.   The interesting thing about the Olympics is that was asked to represent Great Britain but he chose to compete for Ireland.   The world record was set in Dublin at the Royal Dublin Society’s grounds on 27th May 1901.   He stayed in athletics after he ceased competing and actually returned to the Olympics as a judge.

 The “Glasgow Herald” of 2nd July commented: “History is difficult to make sometimes but it was made at the Exhibition on Saturday in the great athletic contest between Ireland and Scotland – a contest which, as regards sustained interest, spontaneous enthusiasm and brilliant competition, has never been equalled in this city.  Every event riveted the closest attention, and when DW Mill of Greenock won the four mile and with it the match, there was a demonstration of enthusiasm which will not readily fade from the memories of those who witnessed it.”   The results:

100 yards: 1. D Murray (I) 10.2 sec; 2. J McLean (S); 220 yards: 1. J McLean (S) 23 sec; 2. D Murray (I)

440 yards: 1. RL Watson (S) 51.4 sec; 2. WH Welsh (S); 880 yards: 1. JE Finnegan (I) 2:02; 2. J Paterson (S)    

Mile: 1. J Paterson (S) 4:15; 2. WR McCreath (S); Four Miles: 1. DW Mill (S) 20:47.6; 2. JJ Daly (I)

120 yards hurdles: 1. RS Stronach (S) 16.6 sec; 2. GC Anderson (S)

High Jump: 1. P O’Connor (I) 6′ 0 5/8th; 2. JB Milne (S); Broad Jump: 1. P O’Connor (I) 23’9″; 2. PJ Leahy (I)

Putting the Weight: 1. MN McInnes (S) 43′ 2″; 2. J Galavan (I); Throwing the Hammer: 1. TF Kiely (I) 145′ 4″; 2. TR Nicolson (S)


John McGough

The 1902 international was back in Ireland, back at Ball’s Bridge on Saturday 19th July.   Ireland was looking to re-establish their superiority over the Scots following the defeat in Glasgow – team and individual revenge.   The report on the event in the Dublin Daily Express started … “The eighth annual athletics contest between teams representing Scotland and Ireland was held on Saturday at Balls Bridge under most unfavourable circumstances, rain falling heavily from an early hour.   It had lightened somewhat near three o’clock, the hour for starting, but a steady drizzle was still coming down when the first event was put in motion.   The bad weather had kept away the public and there was only a handful of people at the opening.   Out of the previous events, Ireland claims five and Scotland two, last year’s contest at Glasgow having gone to Scotland by the odd event.”   Before we comment on any of the athletes or events, we will show the results.

100 yards: 1. D Murray (I) 10.8 seconds; 2. J McLean (S); 220 yards: 1. D Murray (I) 23.8; 2. J McLean (S)

440 yards: RL Watson (S) 52.8); 2. H Thrift (I);  880 yards:  1. JE Finnegan (I) 1:59.6; 2. JN McCormack (S)

Mile: 1. JJ Daly (I) 4:27.8; 2. J McGough (S);  Four Miles: JJ Daly (I) 20:41.8; 2. J McGough (S)

120 yards hurdles: 1. TF Kiely (I) 17 sec; 2. P Harding (I)

High Jump:  1=  C Leahy (I) & PJ Leahy (I)  5′ 11″;   Broad Jump:  1. PJ Leahy (I) 21′ 8″; 2. C Leahy (I)

Putting the Weight:  1. H Nicolson (S) 42′ 7 1/2″; 2. TR Nicolson (S);  Throwing the Hammer: 1. TF Kiely (I) 139′ 2″; 2. TR Nicolson


Given the scale of the defeat one might be forgiven for thinking that Scotland had put out a poor team when that was far from the case.  Note the following:

TR Nicolson: Throwing the Hammer –  21 SAAA champion; Shot Putt – 14 championships; Throwing the 56 lb Weight – 4 championships; Throwing the Hammer (Scots Style) – 3 championships.   Scottish Records set: Shot Putt – 1; Hammer Throw – 13; 56 lb Weight for Distance – 1.   + Olympian (1908)

J McGough: Half-Mile Champion – 3; Mile Champion – 7; Four Miles – 2; `Scottish Records set: 1000 yards – 2: Mile – 1; One Mile and a Half – 1; Four Miles – 1  +  Olympian; Irish Mile and Two Miles champion in 1905 and Irish Mile champion in 1907.

Both top class athletes and although the others were not quite in that bracket they were all good athletes.   On the Irish side the man who defeated McGough – JJ Daly – was second in the 1904 Olympic steeplechase and stayed in North America for a while thereafter winning the Canadian Mile and Two Mile championships.

Scoto-Irish International: 1899 & 1900


One of the names appearing with regularity throughout these international meetings was Denis Horgan of Ireland – Throwing the Hammer and Putting the Weight were his events and he formed a formidable partnership with TF Kiely in them.   He had an interesting life away from the athletics arena and it is covered by Wikipedia as follows – 

Denis Horgan (18 May 1871 – 2 June 1922) was a champion Irish athlete and weight thrower, born in Banteer, County Cork, who competed mainly in the shot put.    Shortly after setting a world’s record of 48 feet 2 inches with the 16 pound shot at Queenstown,] in County Cork, Ireland in 1897, Horgan visited the U.S., and in 1900, he joined the Greater New York Irish Athletic Association, the predecessor of the Irish American Athletic Club for a brief period.  In 1905, he joined the rival New York Athletic Club.   In 1906, Horgan set the world’s record for the 28 pound shot, with a distance of 35 feet, 4.5 inches at the Ancient Order of Hibernians games held at Celtic Park in Queens, New York.   He competed for Great Britain in the 1908 Summer Olympics held in London in the shot put, where he won the silver medal.  Denis Horgan won a total 42 shot put titles during his athletic career, including 28 Irish championships,] 13 English championships (all for the 16 pound shot)[ and one American championship.   Horgan was “usually so superior to his fellow competitors that he seldom trained in any sort of systematic way, yet he showed a marked consistency of performance, in all conditions, over a period of twenty years.”

In the Scoto-Irish Internationals up to 1900 he had won the Shot Putt  5 times in 5 competitions and in theHammer he had four second places behind team mate TF Kiely.


The International had been won by Ireland on every one of the first four meetings but this time, on home soil at Powderhall the result was reversed, Scotland winning by six events to five.   The events won were the 220 yards (W Callendar), 440 yards (WH Welsh), 880 yards and one mile (H Welsh), Four Miles (J Paterson) and Broad Jump (H Barr).  Barr was a superb long jumper who had already won the SAAA Championship five times (1893, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898) and the International once (1896) so it was not entirely a surprise when he won this one but the superb record that he set was.   The ‘Scottish Referee’ reported on the match as follows.

For the first time since the institution of this contest Scotland can claim a victory.   Powderhall Grounds presented a fine appearance on Saturday, and the cinder path had been especially looked after for the occasion.   Half an hour before the commencement, the crowd began to assemble and there appeared every sign of a great gate.   The officials were not disappointed as the ‘gate’ turned out to be the largest of any past international in Scotland.   A stiff wind blew directly down the straight and affected the times in all races except the hurdles which were run with the breeze.   

The Irishmen had a good passage across and, as usual with them, were all in the very best of spirits.   After the photographing of the teams and the officials had been gone through, excitement began to rise in view of the racing.   Proceedings began with the Mile ….”

There followed an account of every event but we will only reproduce Barr’s record in the long jump as the reports were all quite lengthy. Going in to the event Scotland was one down to Ireland with only the broad jump and four miles events to come.   If Barr won, then the score was 5 events each with the whole match depending on the four miles.  Of the broad jump, it had this to say.   “The long jump was looked upon as a certainty for the Ritish champion, WJM Newburn.   After an effort however he broke down and had to retire.   He would have had to beat his best to have beaten Hugh Barr who proved to be in grand form.   P O’Connor (Ireland) cleared 22′ 11″which is 8″ further than Newburn’s Scotch record made in the same event at Powderhall in 1897.   Hugh Barr started by equalling his native record of 22′ 1″, and then with a grand effort put in a lovely jump, and it was at once seen from the stand that something exceptional had been done.   A great burst of cheering went up when it was found that he had beaten all Scotch records doing 23′ 2″.   He had a few more tries but could not further improve on this.   So Scotland won an event least expected and brought the two countries once again on level terms.”  

The match had indeed been hard fought with the lead changing hands all the way through.  Scotland won the first event (Mile), Ireland the second (Shot) to make it one apiece, Ireland then won two more (100 yards and high jump) to make it  3 – 1 but Scotland came back with two of their own (220 yards and half mile) to be equal with 3 events each.   Ireland then won the Hammer and the hurdles to make it 5 -4 before Scotland won the quarter-mile and the long jump.   Into the Four Miles, three a side for this race, which Paterson won by 30 yards to take the match for Scotland.   .

The’ Coatbridge Express’ on Wednesday 19th July 1899 said –


The results:

100 yards: 1. WJM Newburn (I) 10.8 sec; 2. WE Callendar (S);  220 yards: 1. WE Callendar (S); 2. JB Auld (S)

440 yards: 1. WH Welsh (S) 52.4 sec; 2. J McKenzie (I); 880 yards: 1. H Welsh (S) 2:03.8; 2. J McKenzie (I)

Mile: 1. H Welsh (S) 4:32.6; 2. JE Finnegan (I); Four Miles: 1. J Paterson (S) 20:34; 2. F Curtis (I)

120 yards hurdles:  1.  D Carey (I) 16.8 sec; HN Fletcher (S)

High Jump: 1. P Leahy (I) 6′; 2. P O’Connor (I);  Broad Jump: 1. H Barr (S) 23′ 2″; P O’Connor (I)

Putting the Weight: 1. D Horgan (I) 45′ 10 1/2″; 2. MN McInnes (S); Throwing the Hammer: TF Kiely (I) 141′ 4″; 2. D Horgan (I)


The matches had been a success, of that there is no doubt, and the taste for them was growing.   The Coatbridge Express of the same date as above – 19th July 1899 – picked up on this and reported on it.

 The Triangular International would come to pass but not until 1914.   


TF Kiely has been mentioned in almost all the international matches, usually in the hammer but he also won the 120 yards hurdles for his country.   He was a quite amazing athlete whose story has been told in the following book.

Tom Kiely strode majestically through the Irish sporting scene, brushing aside all challengers, collecting championships by the score, smashing Irish, Scottish, British and European and world records on all sides. He created a blazing chapter of sporting history that still burns as brightly today as it did in the early years of the century’ (David Guiney, Ireland and the Olympic Games)  

Thomas F. Kiely was widely regarded as the greatest all-around athlete in the world in the 1890s and early 1900s. He was never beaten in an all-round competition and many would regard him as the father of the modern decathlon. His career is interwoven with a range of events and issues in Ireland – he played a seminal role in helping the GAA establish itself before hurling and football were really widespread, and in shaping how Ireland coped with the dark days of the Parnellite split. In many respects, Kiely became a national hero at a time when the country needed one – a sort of blend of Cuchulainn and ‘Mat the Thresher’he was intrinsically linked to the rise of cultural nationalism. He was nicknamed ‘Erin’s Champion’. Kiely played a major role in establishing Irish identity in international sport and was the first Irish sporting superstar. Kiely’s story is full of wonderful anecdotes and details of his personality, capturing his status but also his humanity.

The sixth match in the series took place on 30th June 1900 at Cliftonville Park in Belfast.   Scottish hopes were a bit higher than for the previous visit to Ireland and the team looked good with a stronger squad in the more technical disciplines plus Paterson and Mill in the distance events on the track.   The report in the Cork Examiner on the Saturday began – “Belfast is bathed in sunshine today, a welcome change to the heavy rain that fell yesterday.   The track at Cliftonville is not in favour with the Scots, the surface is loose, and as it is only 370 yards in circuit, four and a half laps are required for the Mile.   McInnes is an additional absentee from the Scotch side but this makes no difference as Kiely and Horgan were certain of the heavy events.   A heavy burst of rain fell before the start and made the ground sodden.   The crowd was affected, about two thousand being present chiefly in the covered stand.   The last race is the four miles, timed for half past five Irish time, so that it will be nearly half past six before the meeting finishes.”

The ‘Glasgow Herald’ lamented the performances of Paterson who was running in the half-mile and mile and finished second in the mile and was unplaced in the half mile.   They pointed out that if he had won his two encounters, Scotland would have run out winners in the contest.   Of the newcomers to the team, RS Stronach in the hurdles was praised highly despite being beaten by a very small margin.   Another talking point was the selection of JJ McCafferty for the Irish team in the Four Miles.   McCafferty was a member of West of Scotland Harriers.

100 yards: 1. J McLean (S) 10.5 Sec; 2. WH Welsh (S);  220 yards: 1. WH Welsh (S) 23.6 sec; 2. BR Day (I)

440 yards: 1. WH Welsh (S) 51.4 sec; 2. RL Watson (S);  880 yards: 1. JJ McKenzie (I) 2:00.8; 2. JE Finnegan (I)

Mile: 1. JE Finnegan (I) 4:35.8; 2. J Paterson (S); Four Miles: 1. AR Gibb (S) 21:12.4; 2. JJ McCafferty (I)

120 yards hurdles:  1. D Carey (I) 16.8 seconds; 2. RS Stronach (S)

High Jump: 1. P Leahy (I) & P O’Connor (I)= 5′ 10 1/2″; Broad Jump: 1. P O’Connor (I) 23′ 5″; P Leahy (I)

Putting the Weight: 1. D Horgan (I) 44′; 2. TF Kiely (I);   Throwing the Hammer: 1. TF Kiely (I) 143′ 6″;  2. D Horgan (I)


The following year was Empire Exhibition year in Glasgow and the match would be held at the Empire Ground, Gilmorehill, Glasgow on 29th June.

Scoto-Irish International: 1897, 1898

With two matches held and, despite some marvellous performances by Scots athletes, two matches lost, the third in the series was held on Saturday 17th July, 1897 at Powderhall in Edinburgh.   There were some changes to the original selections for both teams before the match which was not without incident as was noted in the following report from the Dublin Daily Express.



Two Scotch Records Broken.

The third annual contest between the representatives of Ireland and Scotland was decided at Powderhall Grounds, Edinburgh, on Saturday and resulted in a very meritorious victory for the Irishmen by seven events to four.   Both teams suffered from absentees, and although the Irishmen were certainly not the least affected in this respect, they were expected to win.   The day was beautifully fine, while the track was in grand order, and everything favoured a close contest and good performances.   The start was fixed for a quarter past three, but it was a quarter of an hour later when the proceedings commenced, the attendance then being of fair proportions.   The first event was the half-mile which, as expected, fell to Dickinson, though a hundred yards from home it seemed doubtful if he could get up.   He did so, however, taking the inside, which was the cause of some jostling, which however, had no effect on the result.   Then came the shot, which in the absence of Horgan, fell to McIntosh of Scotland, the score then being one even each.   An unusual and rather unpleasant incident occurred in the 100 yards.   Newburn beat the pistol by a good three yards, and never being approached, won easily by about 4 yards in 10 2-5th seconds.   The crowd immediately started booing, and the Irishmen at once consented to run the race again.  They did so to their cost; for the second time the two Scotchmen finished first and second.   The quarter mile proved a second victory for Dickinson who came home with a grand spurt.   The hurdle race was a chapter of accidents, for all the combatants came to grief at one time or another, and in the end Timms, contrary to expectation secured the event for the Scots.   This rendered the result very doubtful; but in the later events the Irishmen performed splendidly, and won, as already stated.   Two Scottish records were broken.   In throwing the hammer Kiely beat the Scotch record by 19′ 10″  doing 137′ 1″; and in the long jump Newburn beat the previous record made by Kiely a couple of years ago by half an inch with a distance of 22′ 3″.   The Irishmen were subsequently entertained at dinner, and were generally most hospitably entertained.”


100 yards:  1.  H Barr (S) 10.2; 2. FW Sime (S); 220 yards:  H Barr (S) 23.2 seconds; 2. FW Sime (S)

440 yards:  1. CH Dickenson (I) 52.2 seconds: 2. J Donaldson (S); 880 yards: 1. CH Dickenson (I) 2:02.6; 2. MCC Seton (S)

Mile: 1. JE Finnegan (I) 4:31.4; 2. W Robertson (S).   Four Miles:  1. M O’Neill (I) 20:37.2; 2. J Paterson (S)

120 yards hurdles: 1. AB Timms (S) 19.4; 2. P Harding (I)

High Jump: 1. TE Wood (I) 5′ 10″; 2. P Leahy (I);  Broad Jump: 1. WJM Newburn (I) 22′ 3″; 2. H Barr (S)

Putting the Weight: 1. JD McIntosh (S) 42′ 9″; 2. MN McInnes (S); Throwing the Hammer: 1. TF Kiely (I) 137′ 1″; 2. JD McIntosh (S)


1898 in Ireland

Into 1898  and the international was back in Ireland, at Balls Bridge once again, on 16th July.   As in 1896, it was previewed in many Irish papers – the Irish Independent, Irish Times, the Dublin Daily Express and many others carried the story.   You will note in the advertisement above that the top name was a Scotsman although the Irish high jumper is also effectively the British champion.    Weather wise it was a good day for the event and it is interesting to look at some of the comments about the entertainment before the first race – the half-mile – was run.

The only illustration in the Irish Independent report on the match was that of Welsh which is reproduced below.  Welsh was now a magnificent middle distance athlete and probably the best track man in the team with only Hugh Barr challenging him.   


100 yards: 1. ND M0rgan (I) 10.5 sec; 2. H Barr (S);   220 yards: 1. JC Meredith (I) 23.4 sec; 2. JB Auld (S)

440 yards: JC Meredith (I) 51.2 sec;  2. J Donaldson (S);  880 yards: 1. H Welsh (S) 2:04; 2. CH Dickenson (I)

Mile: 1. H Welsh (S) 4:21.4; 2. C 20:19.4R Faussett (I);  Four Miles: 1. M O’Neill; (I) 20:19.4; HA Munro (S)

120 yards hurdles: 1. TF Kiely (I) 16.5 seconds;  2. D Carey (I).  

High Jump: 1. P Leahy (I) 6′ 0″;  2. JB Milne (S);  Broad Jump: 1. WJM Newburn (I) 24′ 0 1/2″; 2. H Barr (S)

Putting the Weight: 1. D Horgan (I) 45′ 5″; 2. JD McIntosh (S); Throwing the Hammer: 1. TF Kiely 146′ 10″; D Horgan (I)


It was now four matches and the Scots had not yet won even one despite being on the wrong end of some very close finishes but that situation was about to change.  The next meeting was to be at Powderhall on 15th July 1899 when a very different result was to be seen.


Scoto-Irish International: 1895, 1896

AR Downer

Athletes always want to test themselves against the best opposition that they can find.   The Scottish Amateur Athletic Association was founded in 1883 and it was natural that after testing themselves against the best in the country, the top athletes would want to go further afield in search of competition.   So it was that in 1891 the international with Ireland was born.   The full story is told in “Fifty Years of Athletics” at   by DA Jamieson. 

“In July 1891 a special meeting of the General Committee of the Scottish AAA was convened to consider a proposal which had been received from the Irish AAA inviting a team of representative Scottish athletes to take part in a series of races against selected representatives of the Irish Association.   The distances suggested for competition were 100 yards, 440 yards and One Mile, and it was further suggested that this series of races should form the crowning feature of the Irish All-Round Championship Meeting which was to be held at Balls Bridge, Dublin, on 15th August of that year.   The proposed conditions of the contest were that the Irish Association should provide the prizes, whilst the Scottish body were to defray their own expenses.

In spite of its allurement, however, this invitation was declined by the Scottish AAA; but the potentialities of such a contest were perceived by the Scottish executive, and accordingly the Honorary Secretary was instructed top open negotiations for the institution of an international contest on a broader basis than the original suggestion – namely, to embrace all championship events.   The question of guarantees was also raised, and it was suggested that these should be given by each country in turn.   In this manner, then, was laid the foundations of an International athletic contest with Ireland, which was to continue without interruption for nearly twenty years.   But although the foundations were truly laid in 1891 through force of circumstances the edifice itself was not erected until four years later.

It was not until December of 1894 that overtures were again made by the IAAA to the SAAA with regard to instituting an annual athletic contest between the countries on the lines of the Oxford  v   Cambridge match, in which the odd event in eleven items was to decide the winner.

This  proposal was cordially accepted by the SAAA executive with the following suggestions:   (1) That the first contest be held in Scotland;   (2) That a guarantee be given to the visiting team to cover expenses;   (3) That the programme of events to be decided should be the Scottish championship events – the Ten Miles excepted; each country to have two representatives in each event, with three in the Four Miles race;  and (4) that in Scotland the Hammer to be thrown in the Scottish style and in Ireland under Irish rules.

In the main, agreement was reached on all these points.”   

The first international was contested on 20th July, 1895 in Glasgow and from the Scottish point of view, the star of the meeting was Alf Downer of the Scottish Pelicans AC.   Downer won the 100, 220 and 440 yards and in a contest where the winning team was decided by the number of events won, all three counted for the SAAA team.   The report in the “Glasgow Herald” read as follows.

“As a display of athleticism the contest between Scotland and Ireland is the richest of the season; indeed in some respects it will stand out as the most brilliant example of running and physical effort that has even been witnessed in Scotland.   For proof of this one only has to analyze carefully the results of the different competitions, and he will find four performances which surpass all amateur efforts in this country, and another two which tie with all-comers records.   The only regret with regard to these performances is that three were accomplished by Irishmen, the other one being the work of AR Downer who has done so much this season to raise Scottish athletics in the eyes of other nations.   The Scottish Pelican’s triple performance on Saturday is perhaps the first ever accomplished by an amateur athlete.   He won the 100 yards in 10 seconds, which ties with the Scottish record; in the 220 he reduced his own record – 22 2-5th seconds – which he made a week ago today at the Edinburgh University Sports by a fifth of a second; and in the quarter he equalled JM Cowie’s record – 51 1-5th seconds.   These performances speak for themselves; they are unique in the sense that they have never been equalled or even approached at one competition by any amateur in Britain.   TF Kiely, the all-round champion of Ireland, took part in three events – (1) the hurdles in which he ran third; (2) the hammer in which he was second with 100′ 6″; (3) the long jump in which he lowered the Scottish record by doing 22′ 2 1-2″, the previous best being 21′ 11” by T Vallance which stood since 1881.   As an individual effort, these three performances rank next to Downer’s for general excellence.

JJ Mullen of the Elysian Harriers comes next with a first in the four mile and a second in the mile.   H Welsh created a surprise by defeating Mullen in the mile; but as the Irishman was recovering from a sharp illness, it is evident that this, like the majority of events, would have fallen to our rivals.   We cut a poor appearance in the half mile; indeed but for Downer, we would have been very badly beaten in the track events.   It was he who saved Scotland from a very humiliating defeat.   Even in regard to second positions, Ireland showed to much better advantage than Scotland, in fact we may regard ourselves as exceedingly fortunate in only losing by 6 events to 5 as all round the Irish team disclosed greater ability than the Scots.   

The meeting we have only to add marks a new and interesting departure in International athletics, and from the impression which the whole display created on Saturday, we venture to predict a brilliant future to our match with Ireland.   The event on Saturday was shorn of much of its brilliance on account of the athletic rupture which deprived Scotland of several of our best men, but by next year it is to be hoped we will be living under happier conditions, and that with a thoroughly representative team we will be able to reverse Saturday’s result.   The SAAA scored an athletics success on Saturday at Parkhead, and although the financial returns were disappointing, it is well known that the holidays and political excitement kept many away who would otherwise have been present.”

The “Courier” had a slightly different slant on the day’s procedings:

The results on the day were:

100 yards: 1. AR Downer (S)  10.0 seconds; 2. P McNamara (I)  220 yards:  1. AR Downer (S) 22.25 sec; 2. JT Magee (I)

440 yards: 1. AR Downer (S)  51.2 seconds;  2, JT Magee (I);   880 yards      1. J Archer (I)  2:04.2; 2. J Stirton (S)

Mile: 1. H Welsh (S) 4:33;  2. JJ Mullen (I);   Four Miles: 1. JJ Mullen (I); P McMorrow (S)

120 y hurdles:  1. JAE Mulligan (I) 16.8 seconds;  2.  AL Graham (S)

High Jump:  1. JM Ryan (I) 6′ 1″;  2.  C Fenwick (S);   Broad Jump:  1. TF Kiely (I) 22′ 2 1/2″;  2. P McNamara (I)

Putting the Weight:  1. D Horgan (I) 44′ 7′;  2. JD McIntosh (S);  Throwing the Hammer:  1. D Ross (S)  101′;  2. TF Keily (I)

Hugh Welsh

The split referred to above was about a dispute within Scottish Athletics when there were two rival bodies – the SAAA and the SAAU – in existence in 1895 and 1896 with only SAAA athletes eligible to compete in this fixture.     The 1896 meeting between the two countries was held at Balls Bridge, Dublin on 18th July and the Scottish team was weaker in that Downer was not available.   With a year’s more running behind him, Welsh was running better but the final score was Ireland 7 Scotland 4 events.

The Irish papers previewed the event for the entire week leading up to it and it was an event that both countries were looking forward to.   The Cork Examiner not only had a short report on the meeting on Monday 20th but a short detailed account of every single event with every athlete’s times and performances noted.   The report read:


Ireland Beats Scotland

Yesterday the great Inter National contest between Ireland and Scotland was decided at Balls Bridge.   Last year at Glasgow when the countries met for the first time Ireland won by six events to five, and yesterday the victory was repeated when the Irishmen secured seven to the Scotchmen’s four.   The day was very favourable to the affair which was patronised by an excellent crowd.   It was almost a foregone conclusion that the Ireland would win, but still the contest was exciting to the very end.   The event which roused most excitement was the 1 mile at which the Scotchman Welsh beat Mullen last year and yesterday he repeated the performance in gallant style, proving himself a really wonderful runner, of which he gave another proof later on when he won the half-mile in rare fashion.   Mullen, it should be said, was not in good form, and consequently did not turn out in the four miles which saw the closest finish of the day.   O’Neill, the County Limerick man, ran a very plucky race, and it was only after a desperate set to that the Scotchman Hay beat him by about a yard; but it must be said that with a little more experience, O’Neill might have reversed the result.    Horgan, of Banteer, of course, won the shot, and Ryan, of Tipperary, gave a grand exhibition in the high jump.   It was his first appearance of the year, and in fact it is said to be his first time to wear a shoe.   For all he was almost at his very best, as evidenced by the fact that he cleared 6′ 2″, and it may be said that he actually cleared 6′ 3″, but the wind blew down the bar.   It was a great disappointment that Flanagan did not turn up for the Hammer, for so far he has never competed in Dublin.   In the quarter mile Meredith tied with the Irish record, which he also tied with on Whit Monday last.   The other events are dealt with in the details.”

As an example of the details of the events Welsh’s win in the Mile is reproduced below:

Every event was covered in the same fashion.   Mullen? The Irish Daily Express explained what had happened to Mullen in the Mile when it reported 

The Glasgow Herald however described the race as a very bad one from an Irish point of view with O’Neill repeatedly getting in front of Mullen and not letting him past.  It also described Mullen as ‘palpably unfit’ which maybe got nearer the truth of the matter.   Results :

100 yards: 1. ND Morgan (I) 10.6 seconds; 2. H Barr (S) ;   220 yards:  1. ND Morgan  (I) 23.4 seconds;  2.  H Barr  (S) 

440 yards:  1. JC Meredith (I) 51.0 sec; 2. GC Thomson (S);  880 yards:  1. H Welsh (S) 2:01.4; 2. JE Finnegan (I)

Mile:  1.  H Welsh (S) 4:33.0;  2. JJ Mullen (I);  Four Miles:  1. RA Hay (S)  22:19;  2. M O’Neill (I)

120 yards hurdles:   1. D Carey (I) 16.6 seconds;  2.  AB Timms (S) .

High Jump:  1.  J Ryan  (I) 6′ 2″;  2. W Grieve (S);  Broad Jump:  1. H Barr (S) 22′ 5″;  2. WJ Newburn (I)

Putting the Weight: 1.  D Horgan (I) 44′ 7″; 2. JD McIntosh (S);  Throwing the Hammer:  1. JS Reynolds (I) 128′ 1″; 2. D Horgan (I)

Scotland again put out a weakened team.   eg Hugh Barr was a very good long jumper (Scottish record holder and several times champion) and a good sprinter but not recognised as of the top flight.   He did well getting two seconds as well as the win in the broad jump.   

Two matches, two Irish victories.

University Track & Field: 1934

Glasgow University Sports were held on 12th May and although the standard was not quite as high as that of 1933, it was a very good meeting.   Absent were AN Lapsley, Donald Morrison, Daniel Ratcliffe, PBB Ogilvie and NM Glen.   RNM Robertson set a new Scottish record in the Broad Jump, clearing 23′ 4″ which was two inches more than the existing record which had lasted for 20 years.   Murdoch won both sprints and competition in middle distance races was very keen.   Results

As in 1933, Glasgow sent a team to the British Universities on 18th and 19th May.   The team consisted of R Murdoch, RNM Robertson, JR McGibbon, AF McDonald, RJ Gourley, HM Murray and A McVicar.   The Friday session was mainly heats and qualifying rounds but nevertheless the Scots won gold when RNM Robertson won the long jump with 22′ 7 1/2″.   JR McGibbon was second in the Hammer throw with 120′ 7 1/4″.   

On to the Saturday session, Robin Murdoch won both 100 yards (10.2) and 220 yards (22.8) with fellow Glaswegian J Clark second.   In the field events, Gourley was second in the High Jump.   In the team competition, London was first, Oxford Centipedes second and Glasgow, one better than in 1933, was third of the 14 University teams competing.  St Andrews was the only other Scottish University represented and it was 13th=.

St Andrews championships were held over two days again with the first being on Tuesday 15th May and it was an evening of heavy rain.   EDO Campbell was the star man.  He won two events, the 120 yards hurdles in 16.6 seconds and the 440 yards with a time of 55.6 seconds.   Other winners were G Thiele in the discus (96′ 9″), Long Jump was won by JA Smith (20′ 5″) and the Three Miles by A Dryden (NTG).   The only women’s event was the Long Jump which was won by Miss Paterson (16′ 1″).

Despite having the date and the Courier with the photograph below, it has been impossible to find a copy of the results at the second St Andrews meeting but the search for them will continue.


Aberdeen University Sports were on 19th May with 16 championship events to be decided.   At least that was the plan but unfortunately there had been heavy rain with many pitches flooded and the championships were put off until the next Saturday which would leave them with only two weeks until the Inter Universities.   

The weather second time round was described as ‘dull but dry’ and that was good enough for the sports to go ahead.   The star of the show as far as the local press was concerned was a first year Australian student, A Watson, whose time for the 440 yards was 53,4 seconds, a record for the King’s College grounds, the previous record being 53.6 seconds by JT Soutter in 1911 and equalled by GB Esslemont in 1926.    The winners were:

100 yards: J Clark   10.6 seconds; 220 yards:  1= HR Hewitt & LJ Clark 25 seconds; 440 yards: A Watson  53.4

880 yards: WJ White  2:07.8;   Mile: DN Annand  4:48.4;   Three Miles:  DN Annand 16:36.5

High Jump:  JN Robbie 5′ 5 1/2″;   Broad Jump: AI Dickie  1′ 5 1/2″; 

Throwing the Hammer:  D Nicol 94′ 11 1/2″;  Javelin: AJ Lockhart  132′;  Putting the Weight:  D Nicol  35′ 9″

Women’s Events: 100 yards: RM McKenzie 12.4 seconds; 220 yards: RM McKenzie 25 sec; High Jump:  M Souter 4′ 4″; Broad Jump:  AH Dugan 15′ 2″; 80 yards hurdles:  AH Dugan 13.6 sec.


Edinburgh University Sports were held at Craiglockhart on 26th May, 1934.   The new winner of the Rosebery Cup was a 21 year old South African, RB Wylde who won three events: 220 yards, 440 yards and 440 yards hurdles.   Whalley (Mile in 4:33.6 and Three Miles in 15:46.4) and SEO Williams (120 yards hurdles in 17.8 and Broad Jump with 19′ 0 1/2″).   Williams also finished second in 100 and 220 yards.   In the women’s events, C Comrie won the 440 yards (63.6) and the high jump (4′ 4 1/2″).   Results:

Martin retained the Australasian Cup for points gained in sprints, hurdles and jumps.   The Donovan Cup for the outstanding performance of the sports went to GA Smith for his victory in the half mile but there were many who thought that Weisen should have got it for his victory in the pole vault which was a new record.   

The Inter Varsity Sports were held on 9th June in Aberdeen and there were many good athletes forward for their events. Pictured below is the South African Botha who, as the caption points out, was bound for the Empire Games.   

The team event was won, after a series of Glasgow victories, by Edinburgh with 51 points to Glasgow’s 47, Aberdeen’s 8 and St Andrews 5.  Glasgow won the women’s competition with 16 points from Aberdeen (9), Edinburgh 7) and St Andrews (3).  There was only one record broken and that was by RNM Robertson in the long jump where he set a new record of 22′ 9″ to beat his own record by two and a half inches.   Robin Murdoch won the 100 yards in ‘evens’ (10 seconds exactly) to equal the time set by Dr FP Reid in 1931.   He was chased home by RNM Robertson.   Murdoch also won the 220 in 22.4 – 0.8 seconds outside Eric Liddell’s record of 1923.   Thereafter it was all Edinburgh in the track events when they won 440, 880, Mile and Three Miles and both hurdles races.   W Botha, a powerfully built South African, won the quarter mile comfortably for Edinburgh and two Edinburgh runners fought out a tough half mile with the closest finish of the meeting when GA Smith defeated IM Murray by a foot in 2:04.8.   It was another Edinburgh win in the mile with DE Williams beating team mate GA Smith in a time of 4:37.8.   In the longest race on the programme – the Three Miles – WH Whalley of Edinburgh won in 15:29.6.   SEO Martin had no difficulties in winning the 120 yards hurdles in 16.2 seconds, and the 440 yards hurdles went to RB Wylde of Edinburgh who won in 59.6 seconds.   The mile relay race saw Edinburgh cross the finishing line first but they were disqualified for changing the baton outside the zone, and victory went to Glasgow with Aberdeen second; winning time was 3 min 41 sec.

A Robbie (Aberdeen) and AF McDonald (Glasgow) were equal first in the High Jump with 5′ 8 1/4″, RNM Robertson won the Long Jump and AM Wiesen (Edinburgh) took the pole vault with a best of 10′ 6″.   JR McGibbon of Glasgow won the Shot Putt (38′ 10″) and Discus (108′ 5″), AM Geissa won the Javelin for Edinburgh (142′ 11″) and DW Boyd, Edinburgh, won the hammer throw (131′ 4″).

In the women’s events, the 100 yards was won by M Baird of Glasgow (12 sec) as was the Broad Jump (17′ 4″).   MR McKenzie of Aberdeen won the 220 yards in 27.2, C Comrie of Edinburgh won the high jump and Glasgow defeated Edinburgh and Aberdeen in the 400 yards relay in 53.2 seconds. 

With the official universities season at an end there was no need for Murdoch – or any other university athlete – to stop racing.  Indeed, given the form that several of them were in, it would have been folly for them to end their season.   The next big meeting was the SAAA Championships in Glasgow.   Murdoch won both sprints, Murray of Edinburgh was third in the half-mile with GA Smith also in the final, Edinburgh University was second in the relay and two of the first three in the 120 yards hurdles were university men who finished in the order of SEO Martin first and EDO Campbell third with GD Parsons of the Atalanta Club who qualified as fastest loser for the final finished second.

In the field events, RNM Robertson won the long jump from fellow GUAC member TH Souter, AF McDonald of Glasgow won the High Jump and the first three in the Pole Vault were PBB Ogilvie and B Babington Smith (both Atalanta) with AM Wiesen of Edinburgh third.

And for the remainder of the season, there were university men taking part in local and invitation meetings until August when the Empire Games took place at White City in London.   The Universities were well represented in the Scottish team with Murdoch, RB Wylde, FAR Hunter, IC Young and others took part.

University Track and Field: 1933

St Andrews University Sports in 1933 were held in two parts.   The first was on the evening of Tuesday, 2nd May and the second on Thursday 4th May.   On the Tuesday it was the 440 yards, 440 yards hurdles, Mile, long jump, throwing the hammer and the discus.   Everything else was to be on the Thursday.   The Tuesday results from The Courier:

And on the Thursday, Lord James won the shot putt to complete his throws events successes, JRS Watson ‘the inter-varsity half miler’ won the half mile and also took first place in the 220 yards. (Photograph above)  Results:

In the Glasgow Herald of 8th May, there was no report on anything but there was a comparison of the Edinburgh and Glasgow teams for the coming season with an eye on the inter-varsity championships in June.  Almost all the names are there but Borland and Morison, despite having matriculated, would not be competing in the June championship as they did not want to rob younger members of their chance to win a ‘blue’.   The Glasgow University championships took place the following week on May 13th in fine weather with the track reported to be in good condition.   The performances were as good as the previous year and “it is a question whether athletics at Gilmorehill were ever in such a healthy state as they are at present.”   

Winners were:  

100 yards:   R Murdoch  10.4 sec;   220 yards:  R Murdoch: 23 seconds:  440 yards: NM Glen 53 seconds

880 yards: NM Glen  2:05;   Three Miles: GB Esslemont 15 min 43 sec (new record)

120 yards Hurdles:  NA Selkirk  17 seconds;  440 yards hurdles: TH Souter 60 seconds (new record)

High Jump:  AN Lapsley  5′ 10″;  Pole Vault: PRR Ogilvie 11′ 8″; Broad Jump: EM Robertson  21′ 5 1/2″

Putting the Weight: TR Ratciffe 40′ 10″ (new ground record); Javelin:  AN Lapsley 162′ 3″

Womens 100 yards: M Baird  12.6; Womens Broad Jump: 15′ 2 1/2″; 440 yards relay:  1  GUAC; 2, EUAC  54.4 seconds.

The preliminary meeting of heats with a few finals had been held the previous Wednesday where the winners of the two finals were:

Mile:  DM Brander 4:42.4;  Discus:  AN Lapsley 101′ 8″ (new University and ground record).

On May 20th, a group of Glasgow University students took part in the British Universities Championships.   Robin Murdoch won both sprints in times of 10.2 and 22.4 seconds with another Glasgow man, ER Robertson, fourth in the final of the 100 yards.   Donald Morrison won the hammer with a best of 194′ 3″ and was second in the javelin.   PBB Ogilvie was third in the pole vault where the winner was an American student who cleared 12′ 6″.   Lapsley took part but ‘failed to touch his form in any of his events.’   It had been a good weekend for the University – in the points contes they were fourth placed team.

WR Garvie, winner of the javelin event at Aberdeen University Championships, 1933

While the Glasgow squad was performing so well in England, Aberdeen University held their club championships at Kings College Grounds.   Top performer was West Indian whose 107′ 10 1/2″ added 11 feet to the existing discus record.   WR Garvie broke his own javelin record with a best of 141′ 10″ and in the women’s Lilias SF MacKenzie swept the boards with her best being a new record for the high jump of 4′ 5″.   Winners:

100 yards: PS Cowan 10.4 seconds; 220 yards NS Cowan 22.6;  440 yards R McKenzie 56.4

880 yards: C Ludwig 2:09.2; Mile: AB Black and R McKenzie (dead heat) 4:44.2; Three Miles: R McKenzie 16:o2

Hurdles: NS Cowan 17.4

Javelin: W Garvie; Discus: EL Prendergast 107′ 10 1/2″; Putting Weight W Garvie 38′ 11; “Throwing Hammer: C Cockburn 98′ 8

Pole Jump: AF Murray 9′ 3″; Broad Jump: A Robbie and L Smith  19′ 6 1/2″

Women’s 100 yards: LSF Mackenzie 12.2 seconds; High Jump ISF Mackenzie 4′ 6″ (new record); Broad Jump: ISF Mackenzie 17′ 1″; Hurdles ISF Mackenzie 12.4 seconds.

The Edinburgh Championships were held over two meetings.   The first was on Wednesday 24th May at Craiglockhart and the short report in the Scotsman the following morning read: 

The second meeting of the championships was on 27th May with the meeting honours going to a new student: SEO Martin from Cornwall College, Jamaica, was the student in question and he won the hurdles and broad jump (creating a record in the latter), was second in the high jump and third in the furlong.   For the afternoon’s work he won the Rosebery Cup for the all-round championship with 11 points, the Australasia Cup for the sprints, hurdles and broad jump with 14 points and the newly presented Donovan Cup for the outstanding performance of the championship for his record in the broad jump.   CM Wells won the 440 yards which was run in lanes for the first time but lost his half-mile championship title.   Winners were:

100 yards: RA Howieson 10.6 seconds;  220 yards:  RB Wylde 23 seconds: 440 yards: CM Wells 52.4;

880 yards:  GA Smith  2:02.8; Mile: JK Hewitt  4:33.6;  Three Miles:   see above;

120 yards hurdles: SEO Martin  16.8;  440 yards hurdles: JHB Munro 62 sec;

Broad Jump: SEO Martin 22′ 4 1/2″; High Jump: DRS Milne 5′ 7 1/2″; Pole Vault: AM Welsh 10′ 4 1/2″;

Putting the Weight:  AM Geiss 35′ 6 1/2″; Throwing the Discus: JD Watt 104′ 10″;  Hammer: DW Boyd 122′ 6″; Javelin: AM Geiss 140′ 0 1/2″

Women’s 100 yards: R White  12 seconds; Women’s 440 yards: C Comrie  66.8 seconds; Womens Broad Jump: D Waddington 15′ 2 1/2″   Women’s High Jump: C Comrie 4′ 6 1/2″

While the Edinburgh Championships were going ahead, St Andrews University beat Aberdeen by 5 events to 4 at University Park, St Andrews in a match in which two athletes contested each event with the aggregate scores to count.   Results:

The Inter-University Sports took place on 10th June at St Andrews with the arrangements being made, the Courier tells us, by Lieut. A Stark, “the St Andrews instructor.”   There were 16 events on the programme with points awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd being 4,2 and 1.    For the first time a women’s championship was held.   Glasgow won the men’s competition with 56 1/2 points from Edinburgh (39), Aberdeen 10 1/2 and St Andrews 7.   In the women’s competition Edinburgh won 5 events (15 points), Glasgow 13, Aberdeen 5 and St Andrews 2.   Four records were set, three by Glasgow students and Murdoch won both sprints.   He was inside 10 seconds for the 100 yards for the first time but given the slight following wind and the slight downward slope of the track it was reported to be doubtful whether the time could be recognised by the Inter-University committee as a record.   Results:

100 yards:  1. R Murdoch G; 2. RNM Morrison G; 3. NS Cowan A   Time: 9.9 seconds

220 yards:  1. R Murdoch G;  2. RH Wylde E;  3. NS Cowan S   Time: 21.8 seconds

440 yards:  1.  NM Glen G; 2. EGL Mark E; 3. HM Murray G   Time not given

880 yards:  1. GA Smith E; 2. JRS Watson  St A; 3. AL Cram E   Time  1 min 59 sec

Mile:  1. GA Smith E;  2.  DM Brander G; 3. TA Murray E    Time 4:36.8  Won by 3 yards

Three Miles:  1. WH Whalley E; 2. JJ Brennan G; 3. AT Kerr E  15:22.8  Won by less than a yard

One Mile Relay race:  1.  Edinburgh;  2.  St Andrews;  3.  Aberdeen   3:45.6

120 yards hurdles:  1.  SEO Martin E;  2.  EDO Campbell St A;  3. AS Kitchin G   Time 16.4 seconds

440 yards hurdles:  1. RB Wylde E;  2. JHR Munro E;  3. JM Burns G    Time 58.6 seconds

Broad Jump:  1.  RM Robertson G; 2. PRB Ogilvie G;  3.  JA Shepherd  St A    22′ 6 1/2″

High Jump:  1=. AN Lapsley G  &  DRS Milne E; 3.  JA Robbie  A;  5′ 7 1/2″

Pole Vault:  1.  PBB Ogilvie  G;  2. AM Wiesin E;  3=.  AF Murray A & TH Souter G   9’6″  Ogilvie stopped as soon as he had won.

Putting the Weight:  1.  R Radcliffe  G; 2. JR McGibbon G;  3.  DW Garvie A   41′  1″

Throwing the Discue:  1.  AN Lapsley  G;  2.  BL Prendergast  A;  3.  D Morrison  G    105′  4″

Throwing the Hammer: 1. AN Lapsley  G;  2.  D Morrison  G;  3.  DB Morten  A    135′  1 1/2″      New record.

Throwing the Javelin: 1.  D Morrison  G;  2.  D Garvie  A;  3.  AN Lapsley  G.   148′  6″ 

Women’s Events:  

100 yards:  1.  R White E;  2.  M Baird  G;  3.  LSF Mackenzie  A     Time 11.9 seconds

220 yards:  1.  B Barnetson  E;  2. E Munro  St A;  3.  E Cowan  G    Time  27.6 seconds

Broad Jump:  1.  M Baird  G;  2.  LSF Mackenzie   A;   3.  D Waddington  E    17′ 5″  A new Scottish and Universities record

High Jump:  1.  C Comrie  E;  2.  E McGill  G;  3.  LSF Mackenzie  A   4′ 7 1/2″   A new meeting record

440 yards relay:  1.  Glasgow;  2.  Edinburgh;  3.  Aberdeen    53.8 seconds.


Two weeks later in the SAAA Championships, Murdoch was third in the 100 yards but won the 220 in 21.6 with FP Reid representing the Atalanta Club winning the short sprint in 9.6 seconds.   Others to feature in the championship were CM Wells, Edinburgh University, who was third in the 440 having won it the previous year and Kitchin was second in the hurdles.   In the jumping events, Lapsley was second in the high jump, in the broad jump RM Robertson won with SEO Martin third and Ogilvie won the pole vault.   In the throws, Radcliffe was second in the shot and Lapsley was second in the javelin and third in the discus.

With that the season for the Universities was really at an end although many of the athletes continued to enter open events over the next two or three months.


University Track and Field: 1932

The Glasgow Herald on 2nd May, 1932, announced that the Universities club, Atalanta, had arranged several fixtures.   Earlier in the week they had competed against Keil School and the next was to take place at Westerlands the following Tuesday against Edinburgh University and the Former Pupils Athletic Union.   This tells us that the university athletes were already in training for the following summer.   Another report in the same edition was on the George Watson’s College athletic championships where the 100-, 220-, 440- and 880-yards races were all won by AM Carstairs who would go on to have a sparkling career in the sport until it was disrupted by the war in 1939.   In the match between Atalanta and the combined Edinburgh clubs, the former won by 8 events to 2, and their team included such as Murdoch, Lapsley, Borland, Esslemont, Lapsley and Glen.   

The Edinburgh Evening News of Friday 6th May, 1932, had this report on St Andrews Sports:

The following week Glasgow spread their events over the Wednesday and Saturday.   On the Wednesday Lapsley set a new record for the hammer throw of 138′ 1″ and Morrison set one for the Mile of 4 min 37.5.   This was Morrison’s fifth successive victory in the event.   On the Saturday four records were broken – PBB Ogilvie in the Broad Jump cleared 21′  6 1/2″, and also soared over 11′ 11 1/2″ in the Pole Vault which was also a Scottish native record.   Robin Murdoch was the reigning AAA 220 yards champion but was carrying an injury and only just won the 100 yards from IH Borland before finishing second in the 220 yards.    He should have been competing for the Atalanta club that day but was not fit enough to do so.   Borland won the 440 yards and Morrison won the half mile.   Lapsley won the javelin with a spectacular series of throws including a new record, and Kitchin won the hurdles in a new record time.   

St Andrews had a match that same day against Scottish Wayfarers at University Park, St Andrews and the Wayfarers won by 3 events to 2.  


RM Mackay setting a new record at the Edinburgh University Championships

The Edinburgh University Championships were held on 28th May at Craiglockhart.   The Glasgow Herald report on the meeting read as follows: “Even under the most depressing conditions of heavy track and continuous rain, the results at Edinburgh University Sports were sufficiently good to warrant reasonably high hopes in this season’s Inter-University meeting.   One new record was made, by Mr RM Mackay in the pole vault in clearing 10′ 4 1/2″, his second of the sports as he had previously set up new hammer figures and for his feat he won the new cup presented this season by TM Donovan for the outstanding feat at the sports.   Mackay in addition retained the Rosebery Cup for the all-round championships with 15 points from firsts in the hammer, discus and pole vault, second in the weight putt and third in the high Jump.   RA Howieson secured the Australasian Cup which goes for points in the sprints, the hurdles and the jumps, his 10 point aggregate being two ahead of DRB Milne.   Other double winners were WH Whalley and AM Geissa.   Nine holders retained their titles, only two events providing surprises – a minor one in the defeat of CM Wells in the quarter by a clever Watsonian, KGL Mark; and a major one in the high jumping from J Kennedy from heavy grass to clear 5′ 8 1/2″ and beat DRS Milne.”

Before that though, The Scotsman of 23rd May reported on a relay meeting between Edinburgh University and the Former Pupils club.   The meeting had the following events: Quarter Mile 110 yards shuttle relay; half mile relay race (4 x 220); three quarter mile relay race (3 x 440); one and a half miles relay race ( 3 x 880); One Mile team race; Three Miles team race   plus field events where the aggregate of two competitors best throws was the deciding factor.   These events were Broad Jump, High Jump, Putting the weight, discus, hammer, javelin.   The format was very similar to that of the St Peters AC club championship meeting held in Glasgow in the 1920’s and 30’s but no matter – it gave all the Edinburgh University competitors a good hard meeting before the university season peaked in June.   

The Inter universities were held on 11th June at Westerlands in Glasgow and, after a good afternoon’s sport, Glasgow University won the competition with 56 points, Edinburgh was second with 43 1/2, St Andrews had 7 and Aberdeen in fourth place had 5 points.   During the afternoon, Scottish records were set by PBB Ogilvie in the pole vault and by the Edinburgh women in the Ladies Broad Jump and Relay.   New Inter-varsity records were set by AN Lapsley in the javelin and discus while he shared a new record with J Kennedy in the high jump, and by J Soutter in the 440 yards hurdles.   Ian Borland had a good afternoon – finishing second to Murdoch in the 100, he won both 220 yards and 440 yards.   The half mile was one of the best races of the afternoon with the first four being covered by three yards.   JRS Watson, St Andrews won in the fast time of 2:01.6 and Neil Morison defeated WH Whalley in the Mile in 4 minutes 30 seconds, a new record.   The hurdles races were close and the field events of a high standard.   Results:

The international that year was held on 16th July at Powderhall and the only varsity men to win were Murdoch in the 100 yards which he won in 10.0 seconds, and Wells who won the 440 yards in 53 seconds.   Murdoch was also second in the 220 yards.   Murdoch was not the only University man to continue competing through the summer but was probably the most successful in 1932 carrying on as far as the Rangers Sports in August where he won the invitation 120 yards from  M Rousseau (Racing Club de France) and J Bell (Cliftonville Harriers).