MEMBERSHIP NOTES 20th April 2012


I regret to inform you that Norrie Weir has died.

Welcome to the 10 new and 5 reinstated members who have joined or re-joined since 1 Dec 2012. 13 members have resigned, and 67 have still not renewed their subscriptions, so we now have 409 paid up members.


The massive increase in postal charges has forced us to change to an electronic version of the Newsletter as the preferred option. Any member who wishes to continue receiving a printed Newsletter must contact me, if they have not already done so. Please inform me if you add or change your email address.

Please send photos, news, letters, articles, etc for the next issue to: DAVID FAIRWEATHER 12 POWBURN CRESCENT, UDDINGSTON, G71 7SS e-mail: Tel: 01698 810575

If any member would like to take over the editing of the Newsletter, I would be very happy to hear from them.

BRITISH & IRISH CROSS COUNTRY INTERNATIONAL I have reserved 25 twin/double rooms at the Europa Hotel for Fri/Sat 9/10 November 2012. The race will be held at Stormont.


Stewards/marshals are required for club races. The club appreciate all members & friends who volunteer to act as stewards/marshals. If you are not competing just turn up and introduce yourselves to the organisers. Thanks to all those who have already helped out.


Thank you to the members who have set up standing orders for membership subscriptions. Please remember to update the amount payable, & keep me informed if your membership details change (especially email addresses). If any other member wishes to set up a standing order please contact me.


SVHC running vests can be purchased from Molly Wilmoth for £15 (Tel: 0141 7764941).



Lorraine Brown 15-Mar-12 2083 Kirkcaldy

Colin Brown 15-Mar-12 2082 Kirkcaldy

James Buchanan 13-Jan-12 2078 Glencaple

Anne Howie 31-Jan-12 2080 Eskbank

Anne Noble 06-Jan-12 2077 Ayr

Mal Steel 18-Apr-12 2085 Newcastle

Stephen Wallace 03-Dec-11 2076 Dullartur

Vernon White 17-Mar-12 2084 Joppa

Grant Wilkie 14-Mar-12 2081 Edinburgh

Susan Young 28-Jan-12 2079 Dundee

Stephen Cromar 09-Feb-12 790 Dundee

John Elphinstone 02-Feb-12 108 Currie

Pat Kelly 24-Jan-12 1277 Motherwell

William Richardson 10-Jan-12 1925 Seamill

Margaret Robertson 08-Mar-12 747 Dundee

David Fairweather Membership Secreta



Fiona Matheson strengthened her leading position in the women’s event after another excellent run in the Tom Scott 10 miles at Strathclyde Park, with Ada Stewart 2nd and Phyllis Hands 3rd. Ada gained more points in the Lochaber Marathon.

The men’s competition is very tight with 0.2 points covering the top three competitors, Robert Gilroy, Willie Jarvie and Peter Cartwright.

Congratulations to Stuart Kerr and Megan Wright on their outstanding running in the Lochaber Marathon; as well as becoming SVHC Marathon Champions for the year they added to their points total in the Run and Become Series.

Events, with dates where known, are listed below. There will be a slight change to the scoring this year with more emphasis being placed on the Age Graded Tables element. Merit points will in future only be gained by athletes who finish more than the counting 8 races, an additional point being awarded for each race beyond race 8.

The remaining races are –

May 2 Snowball Race Coatbridge

May 6 SVHC Walter Ross 10km Cartha Rugby Club

May26 Bathgate Hill Race

June 6 Corstorphine 5 miles

June 24 SAL Masters Track Champs (Men 5K, Women 3K)

June 27 SVHC 5K Clydebank

August 19 Glasgow 800 10km, Cartha Rugby Club

October 7 BMAF Half Marathon Kirkintilloch

Further details will appear in your Newsletter and on the SVHC website.



It appears that some SVHC members are not terribly aware of the Run and Become Series and how it operates. The event carries a prize list of over £600 plus trophies and covers 12 races over various distances, disciplines and surfaces. Of the 12 races each competitor’s best 8 count. Points are awarded using the International Age Graded table with 10% of each runner’s age grading being awarded per race. Bonus points can be gained by running more than the required 8 races, 1 additional point being gained for completing each race over the required 8. The full list of races and the current points table can be found on the club website . See also page 2 of this Newsletter and the results pages.

Fiona Matheson and Robert Gilroy are the current leaders, and winners over the last two years have been Ian Stewart and Marie McChord in 2010 and Andy Law and Susan Ridley last year.

Alastair Macfarlane



SVHC Proposed Name Change

I am writing in response to the article by Mike Clerihew in the last issue of our SVHC Newsletter. Mike is proposing, once again. to change the name of the Club.

I see he has headed his article “Scottish Masters Athletic Association. Is this his proposed new name for the Club?

The Scottish Veteran Harriers Club was founded over forty years ago and has been a strong institution for veteran runners under that banner ever since.

 I do not agree that the name of the Club gives the wrong impression that we are a “small, exclusive West of Scotland Club”. We have a number of East. North and South members.

As I have stated in the past, there are a large number of Clubs with Harriers in their name, but I would doubt that any of these Clubs, many who have celebrated their Centenaries, are contemplating changing their Club name.

The last time this proposal was raised (2008) I also read the Oxford Dictionary regarding Harriers and Masters, so I am not repeating the same findings again.

The Masters Athletics magazine shows that, including SVHC, there are seven area clubs out of eleven in the UK with Veterans in their title, so SVHC are in the majority.

Perhaps I am not wanting to “move with the times” but as a track runner, many years ago with Springburn Harriers, the name of the Club did not deter me from joining in 1953.

I wonder what I will do with the SVHC vests I sell, and all the members, who wear them with pride!!

So, members, it is up to you to e-mail or phone the President, Alastair, with your views. Do not wait until the A.G.M. in October, as your opinion is needed NOW.

Molly Wilmoth


10km Track Race

I appreciate the event, I can participate with complete confidence. I do not require course marking/stewards I can run against the watch irrespective of the field with complete confidence in my laps and time.

Why? Once I was denied a British medal, made to run an exra lap, saw a British gold awarded to one who had not run 25 laps. I had monitored him as I was competing against him.

So, I bought a quality stop watch, since updated. It tells the day, date, time and a flick of a switch records every lap up to 100, not on my wrist in my palm.

The last 10k my monitor was not sure of my lapping but our times matched. Get yourself a watch.

Falkirk Victoria Harriers have retained Falkirk Council’s Team of the Year award, the performance across the spectrum team and individual from youngsters to veterans. Fiona Matheson was runner up in The Senior personality to a world champion karate performer, actually a professional. Scrolls were awarded across the spectrum, including Veterans Alec Bryce, Tony Devlin, David Hart, Craig Johnston, Hugh McGinlay, and Andy Ronald.

It is important that if your authority recognises such community input you take the opportunity, which gives the lie to those who say ‘There is nothing for us to do.’

Nobody cares to decry the standard of Scottish sport. They participate. compete, personal best/improvement the aim. If success be gained that is the icing on the cake, The award recognises the tremendous club input across the athletic scene, the backroom staff par excellence.

Hugh McGinlay Falkirk Victoria Harriers


 Competing in the Emerald Isle by Bob Douglas, Harmeny AC

Competition is the lifeblood of our sport, but as we progress through the age groups the opportunities to test ourselves against our age group peers tend to diminish, especially for those of us who, by accident or design, have taken up Track & Field disciplines.

Until a couple of years ago my own competition season was based around sprints at three events – New Year Sprints, Scottish Masters Indoors and Scottish Masters Outdoors. A good day at the New Year Sprints with heats & finals could provide half my races for the year.

More recently I’ve looked further afield to the British Masters and the Inter-Area match to extend the summer season beyond one (or two) races.

Last year there was to be no Inter-Area match, and feeling in pretty good nick after the Scottish in May and the British in June, I was keen to find a target to keep the summer alive. I didn’t really fancy a week in Sacramento to (probably) go out in the first round, but there was somewhere not so far west: Belfast, and the Northern Ireland Masters T&F Championships.

Belfast, Sat 27August 2011:

I checked with the organisers, and yes, Scottish entries would be welcome. Courtesy of Easyjet it was possible to travel out from Edinburgh to Belfast International and back in a day. Entry fees were VERY reasonable, £7 for the first event, £3 for each additional one, so five events only cost £19.

Buses from the airport and from the city down to the Mary Peters track are frequent and quick. I met a lad up from Cork at the bus stop in the city centre, and when we saw the pavilion we hopped off the bus. Ooops, it was the University sports complex, and we still had a wee hike to the stadium.

The Mary Peters stadium is in a lovely rural setting on a hillside on the south side of the city, with a backdrop of trees at one end and open countryside at the other.

There were quite a few lads up from the Republic who’d competed in their own championships the previous week.

The M50 / M55 age groups (I’m in the latter) raced together and we filled the 6-lane track for the 200m & 400m.

I don’t know whether it was the sustained summer training, the warm conditions, or the competition – probably a combination of all three – but with two 14-year pbs in the 100m and 200m and two track Golds (200m & 400m) & a Silver (100m) it turned out to be my most successful day on the track.

And there was the bonus of new, friendly rivalries. The lads from the Republic mentioned that their Championships were also open, so I thought “..why not …?”

Nenagh, RoI, Sun 15 January 2012:

Again I checked with the organiser, and yes, Brits were welcome.

The travel logistics were to be a bit more challenging as Nenagh is about 100 miles from Dublin and a couple of overnight stays looked inevitable.

The first challenge was entering, as the entry form wasn’t available until 2 Jan, with entries closing 11 Jan. Not many working days to get a Euro money order sorted and posted over (online entry would have helped.) Entry fees were ¤15 for the first event and ¤10 for each subsequent event.

The track in Nenagh has been built by the local club in what appears to be a big converted barn, with just enough space between the track and the walls to squeeze in a walkway and a row of benches. There was no heating and it was very cold that day.

The other big difference from the Kelvin Hall was the shape of the 4-lane track. The bends are very tight, and the straights are quite long.

After the 60m races were finished a HJ area was set up beyond the 60m finish line. Then they set up a second HJ bed beyond that.

Another very noticeable thing was how well supported this event is in spite of the cost, the travelling distances and the short window for entering.

Where we sometimes have two or three age groups to make up a race, there were two or even three races in many age groups in the 200m & 400m. It was good to race again against lads I’d raced in Belfast.

There was no messing about with a call room. The starter used a thing which made a beeping noise rather than a starting pistol, probably as the venue is in a residential area. And they apply the “first false start and yer oot!” rule, which eliminated the lad next to me in the 60m.

I got Br in the 60m and G in the 200m, my main target, so mission accomplished.

Summer 2012:

One of the lads from the North mentioned that the Mary Peters track is being upgraded to 8-lanes, so the NI Masters will be at Bangor, Sat June 30.

This isn’t far from Belfast, with regular trains from the city centre, so out and back in a day (from Edinburgh) looks possible.

It is the week after the Scottish Masters, so it’s a chance to fully exploit that hard-earned fitness.


The RoI Masters will be at Tullamore, which is about 90min drive from Dublin, on Sat Aug 18. It does clash with the European Masters, but it should still be well attended. I hope to see some of you at one or both of these events.


SVHC Spain Holiday 2012, Hotel Palma Sol, Benalmadena.

Reporter: David Fairweather

We missed our holiday last year due to the Tunisian crisis, so we were pleased to be back in Spain, and it was pleasantly warm and sunny when we arrived in Malaga. We had our own direct hotel transfer, so it didn’t take long to reach the Palma Sol.

The hotel had been partially refurbished since our last visit in 2009 and the public areas looked a lot smarter.

Our group was down to 16 this year, and none of us were particularly fit, so we decided that a 5km race would be sufficient challenge this year, and we persuaded Danny to give us a full day to prepare for it.

On Monday we played boules, which was hilarious as usual. Danny won.

The 5km race was held on Tuesday morning, by which time it was pleasantly warm. The course started at the harbour and went straight along the Torremolinos prom, with a turn at the far end, then back to finish near Burger King. Theresa was the only walker, and Alison the only female runner, so they had no competition.

Willie Drysdale was given a massive handicap, followed by Alison then Tom O’Reilly. Next off was Roy Fulton, with me chasing 2_min later.

The promenade was quite busy with walkers, cyclists, skaters, dogs etc., so it was quite difficult to avoid collisions. Thanks to Danny’s generous handicapping, Willie finished in 30min dead, followed by Alison 6:45 later with Roy hot on her heels 3sec later!

We only had a few minutes recovery before the 100m sand race, which was won by Roy, with Alison 2nd again.

The weather kept warm for the rest of the week, so there was plenty of opportunity for relaxation and sunbathing by the pool. We went out most evenings, but there were very few bars open. Carlos Pub was the best of the limited choice, but one evening we decided to visit a bar in the marina.

 We were given instructions to look for a building with a polar bear outside, but confusion reigned when there turned out to be 2 polar bears in the marina! Eventually we all met up in the same bar.

On Thursday we played darts. The dartboard and darts were magnetic, which provided an additional challenge. Willie nearly lost 1 dart in the hedge, but still managed to score a bull with another throw. Danny was overall winner, and Alison was 1st lady.

On Saturday afternoon all the fancy dress contestants paraded round the pool at 3pm, led by Roy providing guitar accompaniment. Danny asked 2 onlookers to judge the event, and they decided that Bob Burt was the winner, though they thought he was supposed to be Jesus!

After dinner we had our party night in a private hotel room. Willie was presented with the 5km road race trophy and also the trophy for the overall points winner. Tom and Roy provided instrumental accompaniment on bohdran & guitar. A guest, Eric, who we had met in previous years, was also persuaded to sing a couple of songs. Jack Lang was unfortunately taken ill and had to miss the party. We hope he is fully recovered now.



On Saturday the streets to the west of Broxburn were deserted, the winter chill had descended and only the bravest residents scurried to the local shop to get the daily paper.

 The scene was to change dramatically as the first group of youths appeared. From the direction of the Academy, slowly at first, but ever increasing in numbers, gangs of about eight to ten. The hooded appearance of the majority created a worrying situation. The dull black and grey outfits, augmented by an occasional red. suggested townies, not the brown, green or orange of country folk. Many had scarves across their faces tucked tightly into their hoods or woolly hats.

Some groups were accompanied by adults looking equally sinister and intense. They moved through the narrow streets looking serious, apprehensive, their faces chilled by the Arctic blast.

Local shopkeepers stood worriedly at the doors of their shops discouraging anyone to enter. Residents peered from behind the net curtains unsure what might be happening.

Occasional words would pass between the various groups but the tension was apparent. It was now clear that their intended destination was the hilly area to the north of the town, only accessible by a rough narrow path.

Often one individual would burst away from the group at a run, seemingly to release pent up emotion.

Bordering the tree line by the path I found a route to observe the scene from a safe distance. This was no casual occurrence; preparation had been made on the areas and surrounds of the hill. Markers had been placed to identify what seemed to be “no go areas”.

As the numbers increased to several hundred, I could see that some of the groups even had graffiti like banners displaying their signatures. Others had brought rough tents which seemed to function like a gang hut or shelter.

The atmosphere was now very tense, the majority seemed to be intent on surveying the marked zones. They mostly walked in groups but the most agitated individuals would jog or run furtively ahead.

As if to some pre-agreed signal a sinister looking individual in a strange red jacket and cap appeared in the centre of proceedings. To my alarm I could see him discreetly produce a pistol from an old bag lying on the ground. In a loud voice he challenged each of the gangs to select individuals to report to the side of a large bedraggled banner which flapped just out of my eyesight.

It appeared five minutes was allowable to convene your selections. To my surprise youngsters were to be involved first.

Each gang supplied about five of their finest. With serious faces and displaying various degrees of arrogance and apprehension they gathered together in the centre of the arena. The gun was raised and fired and the first race of the East District C.C. league for under-11 boys and girls commenced.

Ricki Finlayson Masters Athlete/Coach.


 The SVHC Winter Break 2012

Day 1: Here we go again to the Canaries for some warm weather training. There are a few new faces in the group this year. I’m sure they will enjoy themselves. The lucky resort is Playa Blanca in the south of Lanzarote.

We reached the 4* Iberostar Papagayo safely after a trouble-free flight & transfer.

There was to be a recce run at 5pm. Peter had already sussed out a course for the 5K race. We would start out just down the prom from the hotel and head towards the marina and the town centre, all along a nice wide walkway next to the sea. The walkway was reasonably quiet at this time of day with not that many “foreign” bodies getting in the way.

At dinner the food was excellent. The best for quite a few years. For all-inclusive the drinks were of a reasonable standard. Up in the Lobby bar after the meal the staff were very friendly and helpful. They knew what we liked and how much of it!

Day 2: Very pleasant morning for a run, sun out and hardly any wind. It was nice to see a good turnout on the first morning. It was a great day for sitting round the pool and this is where most of the company parked their butts. By late afternoon there were a lot of red lobsters crawling about.

Same every year in the Canaries, we Scots under estimate the strength of the sun down here.

The 5 pm run and walk was on. Those not contemplating exerting themselves assembled in the Lobby bar waiting for the athletes to come back to be refreshed, as was the tradition. The runners arrived back. Peter came back from his walk saying he had got a 5K trail for the race tomorrow.

Day 3: Race day. Yes another scorcher. It’s a very undulating course. There will likely be a few tourists on the walkway at the marina end of the course.

The 3 walkers Marina, Helen and Janette went at 11:00, followed by the runners 5min later.

As the runners headed up the hill for the 2nd time, Jude was well clear after 800 metres. The rest followed in conga line style with big Hugh Laverty the first vet. Pamela was the leading lady with Fiona McCue not too far behind.

There were 16 runners taking part this year and by the time they reached the turn manned by Mrs Mac and ably assisted by Colin and Sheree McMillan the finishing order had been mostly sorted out.

The over 60s race looked quite interesting with Jimmy Mac, at the front with wee Hugh and myself very close behind.

The race leader, Jude, came home in 18:00. A very fast time considering the hot conditions and the toughness off the course.

Next home was “youngster” Donald with Martin King nearly a minute behind. Then it was the turn of the 1st vet, Big Hugh in 20:05.

Stuart Allison managed to hold off the fast finishing Pamela McCrossan, the 1st lady. The 2nd lady and just 26sec behind was Fiona.

Then came the battle of the 60s. Jim was leading when he went slightly off the course with about 700 m to go. I took a wee bit of an advantage. Wee Hugh was making a big push and got ahead of me with 300m to go. Once again I got a wee lift when Hugh started to go off course. I got him back on the right line only for him to go by me like a “bat out of hell”. This adrenaline rush was his downfall and allowed me to sneak by him with 50m to go. It’s great to be back racing after getting my pacemaker fitted last year.

Course director, Peter was next to cross the line but he was watching his back for Christine Duncanson, the 3rd lady. Coming in together were Marie Rippon and Buffalo Bill Robertson. This was Bill’s first race and he was guided round by Marie. The 5th lady was Hazel Boulton who was amazed she got round the course so fast. That only left Laurie Pearson to finish.

That only left the walkers. Marina was first walker to finish in 36:39. The biggest cheer was kept for Janette and Helen who crossed the line together.

Peter read out the results. Big Hugh won the contest for the closest to the predicted time.

Time to relax by the pool in the afternoon for some. Others settled for a game of tennis.

Night-time and it was down to theatre for Mamma Mia. The ladies wanted to see it and the men were dragged along. The show wasn’t that bad!

Day 4: The sun was still out but it was a bit windier. Big Hugh and Buffalo Bill were going to climb a mountain (just behind the hotel) and come back down a hill! Something like that film a few years ago. They made it back safely. Marina had joined them for part of the way, but found the underfoot conditions and the height a bit scary.

About mid-day 10 of the company hired bikes to cycle round the area. It was Market Day down at the marina. Quite a few went down for a look around.

The bike people came back at 4 o’clock. Two of the bikes had broken down. The first one was early on but managed to get it fixed. Mel ‘s broke down out at Punta de Papagayo, a few miles from the hotel. They phoned the bike supplier who said it would take someone 50min to get to them. She decided to walk back with partner Donald to the hotel. It took them about an hour.

The saga of the bikes continued when the bike owner came back for the bikes without telling the group. When Peter found out he had sneaked in and still charged the full amount for the faulty bikes he was raging. He was going to go down to the shop tomorrow and do battle. And get a refund.

Day 5: Says Stuart A, ”I’ve arranged a golf tournament at the local pitch & putt course”. Only 15euro per head for 2 rounds plus 1euro entry fee with the winner taking all. 12 eager souls set out in taxis for the course after lunch.

Who would win the Lanzarote Open? Well there was only one bona fide golfer in the party of 12, Peter R, so he was immediately installed as the red-hot favourite. The competition was to be a stroke play event, under the strict rules of golf, with no gimmees and all freshies to count.

The course was short and fair but quite tricky to hold the ball on the firm greens. After the first round the scores on the doors were – Peter R 34, Stuart A 36, Brian R 37, Martin K 38, Laurie P 39, Jude B 42, John B 43, Mark R 44, Donald C 47, Hugh L 47, Hugh W 48 and Bill R 56!!!

The second round commenced straight away and just as the leading four teed-off, the WAGS turned up to provide some vocal support. After which they immediately adjourned to the bar to await the completion of the championship.

We were quicker in the second round, either because we improved or we were all desperate for a beer. Interestingly all of the 4 leaders had a worse score in the second round but overall 6 improved and 6 were worse.

Best improvement was from Bill R who took a whopping 13 shots less but honourable mention to Jude B who improved by 6 to bring him up to 2nd place.

The overall champion and winner of the inaugural SVHC Open Pitch &Putt Championship was Peter R with a gross 70.

Final scores were – Peter R 70, Jude B 78, Stuart A 79, Martin K 80, John B 82, Mark R 84 Brian R 84, Laurie P 86, Donald C 91, Hugh W 92, Bill R 99 and Hugh L 102.

So Peter took the money, which was immediately spent on 4 beers for the group.

After dinner the walk down to the marina was tempting as it was turning into a lovely night. There was a Broadway Show on at the theatre in the hotel. It was the usual fare.

After the show one of the “stars” told us the reason why the sun was a bit hazy all day. The strong easterly wind, which had been blowing for most of the day, was bringing sand from the Sahara Desert. She also stated that the following day is usually very nice.

Day 6: The forecast was right. What a glorious morning. Jude was hoping to do a 4-hour run on the trails round the resort. He is in full training for the “Highland Fling” at the end of April & needs to get one long run in a week. So he headed out just after 8 o’clock with his water, isotonic and gels to keep hydrated and nourished. We were wee bit concerned about how warm it was but he was back in 3hrs 58mins and had covered 27 miles over the hilly terrain. He had pre-booked a massage to help his body recover.

3 o’clock and time for the Annual Quiz. The Quiz Master was John Bannister. Cards were drawn to select the teams. Team names were selected, as was the tradition. There was Brian’s Babes & 2 Hinger Ons, Mark’s Mistresses, Hey Dude Where’s Jude, Three Coins in a Fountain and the Urns.

There would 5 rounds of 10 questions in each. Nothing too hard according to John. After just over an hour of hard slog of mind games, there was only 1 winner, The Urns. They got 35 out of 50 correct. The winning team consisted of Captain Peter, Janet, Bill, Mel and Donald. They were the Breakaway Quiz Champions for 2012.

The 2nd team was Mark and his Women only 5pts behind. The Wooden Spoon was one by Brian’s Babes who could only manage 24pts.

Day 7: Last full day of the holiday. Good to see a good number of runners out at 8 o’clock. Peter was going to have a pack run at 11 o’clock though. They were going to head to the hills.

In the afternoon a few of the lads were getting restless. 2 hours sunbathing was enough. Someone suggested beach volleyball across the street in the area that can be used for having a bash at this sport. Four were up for it, the injured Stuart teaming up with Mark. And Brian and Donald the other team. I volunteered to act as referee or is it umpire? Anyway, I was there to see fair play!

When we arrived at the court there was a deep end and not so deep with the sand being blown to one end with the wind.

After the rules were loosely explained along with the scoring system it was agreed that bikini tops and bottoms were not compulsory! T-shirts and baggy shorts would be fine.

Brian started the 1st set with the backing of Donald and raced into a 7-0 lead. It was 15 to win the set. Mark and Stuart made a bit of a comeback and were getting ever closer to B&D. But as the set progressed Brian’s serves and Donald’s returns were too much for M&S. A 15-8 win for them.

The 2nd set had quite a bit of drama! Stuart playing a return shot made an impressive attempt to try and return the ball from Brian’s serve. Unfortunately, he dived at the shallow end. He did manage to return the ball but hurt his knee and elbow in the process. We thought he was kidding us on. He was just lying there. I came on as the first aid man. He had a cut on his left knee and elbow. Nothing too serious.

The set continued. This seemed to upset the M&S team. After a good start they were soon behind their opponents. 15-6 for B&D. 2 sets to love. 3 sets were needed to win the match.

M&S came out fighting in the 3rd set and raced into a 4-0 lead. B&D fought back. The game was swinging back and forward. It was getting warm on the court. M&S were running out of steam, they were knackered. Brian was using all his guile and natural athleticism to let Donald do all the work. They were both on 10. But not for long. 5pts were won in quick succession. Game, set and match to Brian and Donald. The first Beach Volleyball Championship winners of the Breakaway group. There were handshakes all round and back to the hotel for some drinks.

Day 8: A beautiful summer’s morning we would hope for in Greenock. It was great for running. 7 managed to get out at 8.

Bus came on time at 11:15. We were up in the air by 2:10. We had a winner on the way back. Laurie Pearson won a free drink after filling in a questionnaire about the holiday.

This had been a wonderful week in Lanzarote. The weather didn’t let us down. The hotel staff and the food were excellent. Great week, great fun. Thanks to everybody who was there. You made it special. Tenerife next year?

Cameron Spence


The SVHC 5K Road Race Playa Blanca Lanzarote March 6th 2012

1st J Boulton 18:00 CR(must be?)
2nd D Cameron 18:42
3rd M King 19:37 CH
4th H Laverty M55 20:05
5th S Allison M40 20:59
6th P McCrossan F50 21:09
7th F McCue F40 21:35
8th C Spence M60 22:51
9th H Watson M65 22:52
10th J McMillan M65 23:10
11th P Rudzinski M60 24:34
12th C Duncanson F50 25:02
13th M Rippon F45 27:37
14th B Robertson M50 27:37
15th H Boulton F35 28:33
16th L Pearson M65 29:55

The Walk 1st M McCallum F40 36:39(WR)

2nd = J Pearson F65 & H Spence F60 43:39 (4.5K)


Winter Track & Field Update from Mike Clerihew

BMAF Indoor Pentathlon:  Sheffield 5th February 2012.

This was the first time the event had been held in Sheffield and three SVHC members plus three other Scots competed. SVHC’s Derek Glasgow finished an excellent second of nine competitors in the M45 category with a total of 2717 points whilst Ken Moncrieff, also representing SVHC finished 6th with 2866 points in a very competitive nine man field in the M50 category.  Unfortunately the other Scots, Bill Lonsdale (SVHC), Allan Leiper (SCVAC), Janice Hardcastle (EVAC) and Eddie McKenzie (no club), all retired during the competition.

  DM Hall National Masters Championships:  Kelvin Hall 12th February 2012.

Yet again a rather disappointing turnout but nevertheless some outstanding performances were achieved with pride of place going to John Scott from Shettleston Harriers who set a new M70 British Record with a throw of 12.24m whilst competing as a guest in the female shot competition.  John later set an official Championship Best Performance of 11.62m in the male shot competition.  In total twelve Championship Best Performances (CBP) were achieved or equalled, five of which equalled or bettered Scottish Masters Best Performances (SMBP).  New marks were set by Willie Russell in the M80 200m, Des Fitzgerald in the M35 pole vault, Bobby Stevenson in the M55 triple jump and Jimmy Christie in the M80 shot whilst ex British International sprinter Brian Whittle equalled the M45 high jump best.  Details of all new best performances are noted in the table below.  Full results for the Indoor Championships can be found on the club website.


Name Cat. Event Perf.     Name Cat. Event Perf.  
Leon Braithwaite M35 60m 7.28s     David Dixon M50 TJ 11.63m  
Sandra MacDonald W50 200m 30.52s     Bobby Stevenson M55 TJ 11.00m SMBP
Willie Russell M80 200m 43.64s SMBP   Sheila Champion W75 Shot 4.92m  
Phyllis Hands W55 3000m 13:15.96     Jim Hogg M55 Shot 13.18m  
Mary Barratt W50 HJ 1.25m =CBP   John Scott M70 Shot 11.62m  
Brian Whittle M45 HJ 1.76m =SMBP   James Christie M80 Shot 4.55m SMBP
Des Fitzgerald M35 PV 3.70 SMBP            

Scottish Masters Combined Events Championships: Kelvin Hall 11th/12th February 2012.

In the heptathlon Colin Christie (M45) from Montrose & District AC won the competition and the Ian Steedman medal for first Scot with a score of 3845 points with Derek Glasgow (M45) from Inverness Harriers close behind on 3776 points.  All results are on the website.

BMAF Indoor Championships & Outdoor Winter Throws:  Lee Valley, London. 17th/18th March 2012.

Fourteen SVHC members were included in the 600 plus athletes who competed in this event, winning a total of 20 medals – ten gold, six silver and  four bronze. Top performers were Claire Cameron in the W50 category with four golds – shot at the indoor championships and hammer, discus and weight in the outdoor throws and Stewart McCrae with a golden 1500/3000m double and an 800m bronze in the M65 category. Others to strike gold were Jim Sloan with wins in the M70 indoor shot and outdoor discus where he set a Scottish Masters Best Performance of 35.32m, John Ross with gold in the M70 200m and silver in the 60m and Susan Young with gold in the W35 400m in a Scottish Masters Best Performance of 58.6s and bronze in the 200m.  Liz Bowers also bettered her own Scottish Masters Best Performance with a time of 2:48.75 in picking up a silver medal in the W55 800m.  All results for SVHC members and other Scots are noted below.

SVHC Members.

Name Age Event Place Perf. Comments
John Birkett M55 Shot 4th  9.18m  
Liz Bowers W55 800m 2nd 2:48.75 Scottish Masters Best Performance
    1500m 3rd  5:36.53  
Alex Bryce M50 800m 2nd 2:14.32 Heat 2:13.07.
    1500m 5th 4:33.86  
Claire Cameron W50 Shot 1st  10.28m  
    Hammer 1st 31.33m  
    Discus 1st 30.19m  
    Weight 1st 10.54m  
Brian Gardner M55 1500m 4th 4:43.85  
Ian Johnston M40 3000m 2nd  9:30.23  
Angela Kelly W50 60m 6th 9.17s  
    200m 5th  31.24s  
Bill Lonsdale M60 HJ =2nd 1.30m  
Stewart McCrae M65 800m 3rd 2:35.11  
    1500m 1st 5:23.30  
    3000m 1st 11:36.40  
John McGarry M60 60m 2nd 8.24s  
    200m 3rd 27.12s  
Grant Ramsay M35 3000m 4th 9:24.65  
John Ross M70 60m 2nd 9.22s  
    200m 1st 30.33s  
Jim Sloan M70 Shot 1st  11.29m  
    Discus 1st 35.32m Scottish Masters Best Performance
    Hammer 4th 25.24m  
    Weight 5th 10.93m  
Susan Young W35 200m 3rd 26.40s  
    400m 1st 58.6s Scottish Masters Best Performance

Scottish Athletes competing for other BMAF Clubs

Name Age Event Place Perf. Comments
Bill Gentleman M70 Hammer 2nd 44.14m Competing for Northern Vets.
    Weight 2nd 15.64m  
Allan Leiper M50 High Jump 3rd  1.50m Competing for Southern Counties Vets.
    Shot 4th  12.68m  
    60mH 4th  9.49s  
Will MacGee M40 60m 3rd 7.41s Competing for Southern Counties Vets.
    200m 1st 23.73s  
Ian Miller M75 Shot 1st 10.34m Competing for Eastern Vets.
    Hammer 1st 34.36m  
    Weight 1st 13.15m  
Alasdair Ross M60 60m 1st  8.09s Competing for Southern Counties Vets.
    200m 1st 26.13s  
Steve Whyte M45 Hammer 1st 53.80m Competing for Eastern Vets.
    Weight 1st 16.54m  

 World Masters Athletics Indoor Championships: Jyvaskyla, Finland.  3rd – 8th April, 2012.

Only seven athletes with Scottish connections travelled to Finland as part of a relatively small British contingent but some notable performances were achieved.  Of the SVHC members Andy McLinden won gold in the M60 half marathon and Sue Ridley won double silver in the W45 3000m and 8k cross country.  Non SVHC members also stood out with Steve Whyte striking gold in the M45 weight throw in a new European Record of 16.70m (he actually achieved a throw of 17.38m at a meeting in Milton Keynes in 2010 and the British Record stands at 17.61m set by John Pearson last year – confusing or not) and in the hammer.  Alasdair Ross won silver in the M60 60m and 200m where his time of 25.88s is a new Scottish Masters Best Performance.  Janice Hardcastle won a bronze as part of the W50 4x200m relay team.

It appears that the expense of attending International Masters Championships is having a significant impact on British competitor numbers which have seen a steady decline over the past few years.   Jyvaskyla not exactly being a European tourist hotspot probably didn’t help either.

Results for Scottish Athletes.

 Name Age Event Place Perf. Comments
Alex Bryce M50 800m 6th 2-10.96  
    1500m 6th 4-28.61  
Janice Hardcastle W50 Pentathlon 6th 2336 pts  
    4x200m 2nd    
Lynne Marr W50 8k XC 15th 48m 13s  
Andy McLinden M60 ½ Marathon 1st 1h 20m 43s  
Sue Ridley W45 1500m 4th 5-02.73  
    3000m 2nd 10-50.53  
    8k XC 2nd 33m 08s  
Alasdair Ross M60 60m 2nd 7.96s  
    200m 2nd 25.88s Scottish Masters Best Performance
Steve Whyte M45 Shot 4th 14.12m  
    Hammer 1st 54.63m  
    Discus 5th 34.31m  
    Weight 1st 16.70m European Record


My congratulations to all medal winners in competitions over the winter and to other athletes who have achieved their goals.  Commiserations to those feeling that they have fallen short of their targets and my apologies to anyone I have missed.

 Finally there are two points which I should mention before signing off:-

Firstly a big thank you? to Scottish Athletics for responding to my continual requests for a reduction in entry fees to Scottish Masters Track & Field Championships for actually taking some action.  Unfortunately the response has been a 12% increase in the entry fee.

One of these days perhaps I’ll learn to keep my mouth shut.

Secondly I wish to thank those members who took the trouble to respond to my article in the December 2011 issue of the newsletter regarding my desire to change the name of the Scottish Veteran Harriers Club to Scottish Masters Athletic Association.  In total 16 members (3.5% of the total membership) actually bothered to show any interest in the matter.  I do intend to put a formal proposal to the Annual General Meeting in October but I fear that overwhelming apathy will ensure that the status quo prevails.

Mike Clerihew


Scottish Masters Indoor Track & Field Best Performances

Any issues regarding best performances should be referred to Mike Clerihew
e-mail:     telephone: 0131 331 2412
  60 metres Perf Year Venue     1500 metres Perf Year Venue
M35 Darren Scott 7.04 2009 Manchester   M35 Stuart Campbell 4-07.28 2007 Glasgow
M40 Darren Scott 6.98 2010 Manchester   M40 Stephen Allen 4-09.31 2010 Glasgow
M45 David Grieve 7.49 2002 Glasgow   M45 Alastair Dunlop 4-12.68 2002 Glasgow
M50 Alasdair Ross 7.66 2003 Glasgow   M50 Alastair Dunlop 4-18.40 2004 Sindelfingen, Ger.
M55 Alasdair Ross 7.67 2007 Helsinki, Finland   M55 Alastair Dunlop 4-24.39 2009 Glasgow
M60 John Steede 7.94 2002 Glasgow   M60 Robert Young 4-57.78 2004 Glasgow
M65 John Steede 8.58 2008 Lee Valley, London   M65 Harry Tempan 4-53.02 1991 Glasgow
M70 John Ross 8.93 2010 Glasgow   M70 Jimmy Todd 5-13.1 1992 Glasgow
M75 Ernie Plimer 9.76 1994 Glasgow   M75 Jimmy Todd 5-42.26 1997 Birmingham
M80 Andy Coogan 11.21 1998 Glasgow   M80 Hugh McGinlay 7-52.47 2006 Glasgow
W35 Joss Kirby 7.80 1994 Glasgow   M85 J.E.Farrell 8-41.47 1997 Glasgow
W40 Joss Harwood 8.04 1998 Glasgow   W35 Susan Bevan 4-32.55 1996 Birmingham
W45 Pat MacKinnon 8.56 1997 Glasgow   W40 Sonia Armitage 4-49.66 2005 Glasgow
W50 Linda Nicholson 8.66 2011 Ghent, Belgium   W45 Sonia Armitage 4-45.85 2006 Linz, Austria
W55 Esther Linaker 9.14 2001 Cardiff   W50 Sandra Branney 5-03.82 2009 Glasgow
W60 Esther Linaker 8.98 2003 San Sebastien, Spain   W55 Jane Waterhouse 5-33.67 2009 Ancona, Italy
W65 Esther Linaker 9.43 2007 Helsinki, Finland   W60 Jocelyn Ross 5-59.7 1990 Cosford
W70 Rosemary Chrimes 10.41 2005 Cardiff   W65 Jocelyn Ross 6-56.20 1997 Birmingham
W75 Rosemary Chrimes 10.86 2010 Lee Valley, London            
              3000 metres      
  200 metres         M35 Max Colligan 8-53.84 2008 Glasgow
M35 Darren Scott 21.62 2008 Clermont-Ferrand, Fr.   M40 Eddie Stewart 8-32.6 1997 Prague, Cze.
M40 Darren Scott 21.71 2010 Birmingham   M45 Archie Jenkins 8-56.69 1999 Glasgow
M45 David Grieve 23.67 2002 Glasgow   M50 John Linaker 9-16.6 1990 Glasgow
M50 Alasdair Ross 24.05 2004 Sindelfingen, Ger.   M55 Hugh Rankin 9-37.9 1990 Glasgow
M55 Alasdair Ross 24.42 2007 Helsinki, Finland   M60 Andy Brown 9-43.9 1994 Glasgow
M60 Alasdair Ross 25.88 2012 Jyvaskyla, Finland   M65 Willie Marshall 10-32.28 1993 Glasgow
M65 John Ross 28.39 2004 Cardiff   M70 Jimmy Todd 11-08.49 1994 Glasgow
M70 John Ross 29.14 2009 Lee Valley, London   M75 Jimmy Todd 12-12.72 1997 Glasgow
M75 George Bridgeman 35.12 2002 Glasgow   M80 Gordon Porteous 14-10.79 1994 Glasgow
M80 Willie Russell 43.64 2012 Glasgow   W35 Liz McColgan 9-31.11 2004 Glasgow
W35 Joss Kirby 25.55 1994 Glasgow   W40 Sue Ridley 10-14.73 2008 Clermont-Ferrand, Fr.
W40 Joss Harwood 25.98 1998 Glasgow   W45 Susan Finch 10-22.84 2008 Glasgow
W45 Pat MacKinnon 28.60 1997 Glasgow   W50 Fiona Matheson 9-56.39 2011 Glasgow
W50 Angela Kelly 30.35 2011 Ghent, Belgium   W55 Jane Waterhouse 11-42.91 2009 Ancona, Italy
W55 Esther Linaker 31.15 2001 Cardiff   W60 Jocelyn Ross 12-33.3 1990 Cosford
W60 Esther Linaker 30.43 2003 San Sebastien. Spain   W65 Jocelyn Ross 13-09.42 1994 Glasgow
W65 Esther Linaker 32.51 2007 Helsinki, Finland            
W70 Betty Steedman 39.03 2004 Cardiff     60 m hurdles      
W75 Betty Steedman 46.61 2011 Glasgow   M35 Ian Paget 9.60 2011 Glasgow
            M40 Roy Buchanan 9.16 1995 Glasgow
  400 metres         M45 Eamon Fitzgerald 9.46 1994 Glasgow
M35 Ian McGurk 54.36 2009 Glasgow   M50 Allan Leiper 9.19 2011 Ghent, Belgium
M40 Darren Scott 49.35 2010 Birmingham   M55 Roy Buchanan 9.82 2010 Lee Valley, London
M45 Alastair Dunlop 53.72 1999 Glasgow   M60 Robin Sykes 10.54 1995 Glasgow
M50 Alasdair Ross 55.37 2004 Cardiff   M65 Ian Steedman 10.54 1994 Glasgow
M55 Alasdair Ross 57.55 2008 Lee Valley, London   M70 Ian Steedman 11.71 1999 Glasgow
M60 John Ross 59.65 2001 Glasgow   W35 Joss Harwood 8.80 1997 Glasgow
M65 John Ross 63.89 2006 Cardiff   W40 Joss Harwood 8.88 1998 Glasgow
M70 John Ross 66.08 2009 Lee Valley, London   W45 Joss Harwood 9.49 2005 Glasgow
M75 Hugh McGinlay 78.33 2001 Glasgow   W50 Joss Harwood 9.62 2008 Clermont-Ferrand, Fr.
M80 Hugh McGinlay 91.39 2006 Glasgow   W55 Rosemary Chrimes 11.10 1989 Glasgow
M85 Hugh McGinlay 1-48.81 2011 Glasgow            
W35 Jane Low 59.17 1996 Glasgow     High Jump      
W45 Sharyn Ramage 73.7 2011 Glasgow   M35 Ken Pearson 1.62 2011 Glasgow
W50 Laura Mahady 65.03 2009 Glasgow   M40 Jim Malcolm 1.72 2004 Glasgow
W65 Betty Steedman 93.31 2001 Cardiff   M45 Eamon Fitzgerald 1.76    
              Brian Whittle 1.76 2012 Glasgow
  800 metres         M50 Eamon Fitzgerald 1.71 1998 Glasgow
M35 Stephen Allen 2-00.81 2006 Glasgow   M55 Eamon Fitzgerald 1.60 2002 Glasgow
M40 Alastair Dunlop 1-58.36 1995 Glasgow   M60 John Freebairn 1.50 1998 Glasgow
M45 Alastair Dunlop 2-02.02 2000 Glasgow   M65 John Freebairn 1.40 2003 Glasgow
M50 Alastair Dunlop 2-02.20 2004 Sindelfingen, Ger.     Trevor Madigan 1.40 2010 Glasgow
M55 Alastair Dunlop 2-09.99 2009 Glasgow   M70 Ian Adams 1.23 1997 Glasgow
M60 John Ross 2-20.94 2001 Glasgow   M75 Robin Sykes 1.10 2010 Glasgow
M65 Harry Tempan 2-22.28 1993 Glasgow   W35 Nikki Thompson 1.50 1990 Glasgow
M70 Jimmy Todd 2-34.2 1992 Glasgow   W40 Christine Brown 1.30 1992 Glasgow
M75 Jimmy Todd 2-43.35 1997 Birmingham     Shona McKinnon 1.30 2008 Glasgow
M80 Hugh McGinlay 3-52.47 2006 Glasgow   W45 Shona McKinnon 1.32 2009 Glasgow
M85 Hugh McGinlay 4-10.88 2011 Glasgow   W50 Janice Hardcastle 1.30 2011 Ghent, Belgium
W35 Carol Sharp 2-09.74 1993 Birmingham   W55 Rosemary Chrimes 1.36 1988-93  
W40 Sonia Armitage 2-24.44 2004 Sindelfingen, Ger.   W60 Rosemary Chrimes 1.30 1997 Birmingham
W45 Sonia Armitage 2-22.77 2006 Linz, Austria   W65 Rosemary Chrimes 1.25 1999 Birmingham
W50 Laura Mahady 2-30.40 2009 Glasgow   W70 Rosemary Chrimes 1.18 2005 Cardiff
W55 Liz Bowers 2-48.75 2012 Lee Valley, London   W75 Rosemary Chrimes 1.16 2010 Lee Valley, London
W65 Jocelyn Ross 3-23.22 1997              
Scottish Masters Indoor Track & Field Best Performances (contd)
  Long Jump Perf Year Venue     Pole Vault Perf Year Venue
M35 Ian Paget 5.89 2009 Glasgow   M35 Des Fitzgerald 3.70 2012 Glasgow
M40 Robert Stevenson 6.11 1995 Glasgow   M40 Jim Johnston 3.40 1996 Glasgow
M45 Robert Stevenson 5.82 2002 Glasgow   M45 Alan Leiper 4.12 2006 Carshalton
M50 Eamon Fitzgerald 5.61 1998 Glasgow   M50 Eamon Fitzgerald 3.45 1998 Glasgow
  Robert Stevenson 5.61 2004 Glasgow     Bob Masson 3.45 1998 Glasgow
M55 Robert Stevenson 5.29 2008 Glasgow   M55 Tony MacKay 3.40 1994 Glasgow
M60 Mike Clerihew 4.61 2008 Glasgow   M60 Bob Masson 3.02 2009 Grangemouth
M65 Trevor Madigan 4.03 2011 Glasgow   M65 John Freebairn 2.00 2004 Glasgow
M70 George Bridgeman 4.20 1996 Glasgow   M70 John Oulton 2.00 2003 Glasgow
W35 Jane Low 5.13 1998 Glasgow   W35 Alison Jessee 3.05 2005 Albuquerque, USA
W40 Christine Love 4.50 1995 Glasgow   W40 Janet Lyon 2.70 2004 Glasgow
W45 Sylvia Wood 4.48 1994 Glasgow     Janet Lyon 2.70 2005 Glasgow
W50 Linda Nicholson 4.66 2011 Glasgow   W45 Janet Lyon 2.50 2009 Aberdeen
    4.66 2011 Ghent, Belgium       2.50 2011 Glasgow
W55 Sylvia Wood 4.07 2001 Glasgow            
W60 Betty Steedman 3.80 1994 Glasgow     Shot      
W65 Betty Steedman 3.42 2001 Glasgow   M35 Neil Elliott 16.56 2009 Glasgow
W70 Betty Steedman 3.88 2006 Linz, Austria   M40 Steve Whyte 16.18 2005 Eskilstuna, Sweden
            M45 Steve Whyte 14.46 2010 Lee Valley, London
  Triple Jump         M50 Walter Weir 13.41 1998 Glasgow
M35 Ian Paget 12.82 2010 Glasgow   M55 John A. Scott 13.45 1998 Glasgow
M40 Steve Wallace 11.89 2000 Birmingham   M60 John A. Scott 13.33 2002 Glasgow
M45 Eamon Fitzgerald 11.81 1992 Glasgow   M65 John A. Scott 12.12 2007 Lee Valley, London
M50 William Beattie 11.52 2004 Cardiff   M70 Ian Miller 11.76 2006 Cardiff
M55 Robert Stevenson 11.00 2012 Glasgow   M75 Ian Miller 11.15 2010 Lee Valley, London
M60 John Oulton 9.99 1993 Glasgow   M80 James Christie 4.55 2012 Glasgow
M65 Trevor Madigan 8.99 2010 Glasgow   W35 Claire Cameron 11.54 1997 Birmingham
W35 Fiona Davidson 10.68 2011 Glasgow   W40 Rosemary Chrimes 14.40 1973 Cosford
W40 Carolyn Smith 9.26       W45 Claire Cameron 10.74 2004 Glasgow
W45 Sylvia Wood 9.00 1994 Glasgow   W50 Rosemary Chrimes 12.48 1983-88  
W50 Sylvia Wood 9.21 1995 Birmingham   W55 Rosemary Chrimes 12.04 1989 Glasgow
W55 Sylvia Wood 8.58 2001 Glasgow   W60 Rosemary Chrimes 11.66 1997 Birmingham
W60 Betty Steedman 7.98 1994 Glasgow   W65 Rosemary Chrimes 11.75 2002 Glasgow
W65 Betty Steedman 7.00 2001 Glasgow   W70 Rosemary Chrimes 9.79 2005 Cardiff
W70 Betty Steedman 6.69 2005 Cardiff   W75 Rosemary Chrimes 9.66 2011 Gent, Belgium
Multi Events                  
  Pentathlon (Age Graded) Points Year Venue     Heptathlon (Age Graded) Points Year Venue
M50 John Freebairn  3756 1988     M50 Eamon Fitzgerald 5240 1998 Glasgow
W35 Carolyn Smith 3060 1997 Glasgow            


Scottish Masters Indoor Track & Field Best Performances Any issues regarding best performances should be referred to Mike Clerihew e-mail: telephone: 0131 331 2412



Honorary President: ROBERT DONALD

President: ALASTAIR MACFARLANE 7 Andrew Avenue, Lenzie, G66 5HF Tel: 0141 5781611

Immediate Past President: PETER OGDEN 16 Springhill Road Glasgow, G69 6HH Tel: 0141 7711950

Vice-President: ADA STEWART 30 Earlsburn Road, Lenzie, G66 5PF Tel: 0141 5780526

Honorary Secretary: WILLIE DRYSDALE 6 Kintyre Wynd Carluke, ML8 5RW Tel: 01555 771 448

Honorary Treasurer: Honorary Treasurer: MIKE CLERIHEW 57 Society Road South Queensferry EH30 9XP Tel: 0131 331 2412

Membership Secretary: DAVID FAIRWEATHER 12 Powburn Crescent Uddingston, G71 7SS Tel: 01698 810575

Handicapper: PETER RUDZINSKI 106 Braes Avenue Clydebank. G81 1DP Tel.0141 5623416

Committee Members:

ROBERT DONALD 3 Manse Road Bearsden, G61 3PT Tel: 0141 9422971

JOHN FREEBAIRN Colzium, Stirling Road Kilsyth, G65 0PQ Tel: 01236 821678

CAMPBELL JOSS 25 Speirs Road Bearsden, G61 2LX Tel: 0141 942 0731

BMAF Delegates Alastair Macfarlane, Mike Clerihew

SAL West District Delegate Willie Drysdale

SAL Delegate at AGM Ada Stewart

Auditor George Inglis, Stewart McCrae


APRIL 2012

Tues 3rd -Sun 8th World Masters Indoor Championships Jyvskyla, Finland

Sun 8th Tom Scott 10 miles road race. 10:30 am. Strathclyde Park

Sun 15th Lochaber marathon 11.00am. Fort William

MAY 2012

Wed 2nd Snowball 4.8m road race 7:30 pm. Coatbridge Outdoor Centre. Convener Ada Stewart

Sun 6th Walter Ross 10km. 1:30pm. Cartha Rugby Club, Pollok Park

Sat 12th BMAF Road Relay Champs, Birmingham

Sat 26th Bathgate Hill Race 2:30pm Convener H Mitchell 01506 655 397

JUNE 2012

Wed 6th Corstorphine 5 ml rd race 7:30pm Turnhouse Rd, Edinburgh 

Sun 10th BMAF Marathon Champs, Tenby Sun 17th BMAF Pentathlon, Horspath Track, Oxford

Sun 17th BMAF 5k Road/Road Walk Championships, Horwich

Sun 24th SAL National Masters T&F Champs Pitreavie

Wed 27th SVHC 5km Champs Playdrome, Clydebank 7:30

JULY 2012

Sun 1st BMAF Throws Pentathlon, Copthall

Sat/Sun 21st/22nd BMAF Track & Field Championships, Moorways Stadium, Derby AUGUST 2012

Sat/Sun 4th/5th BMAF Decathlon/Heptathlon , Horspath Track, Oxford

Sun 19th Glasgow 800 10km, 1:30pm Cartha Rugby Club, Pollok Park

Thu16th -Sat 25th EVA Championships-Stadia Zittau (Ger), Bogatynia (Pol), Hradek (Cze)


Sun 9th Inter Area Track & Field Challenge – Solihull


Sun 7th SVHC/BMAF Half Marathon Champs, Kirkintilloch

Sun 14th BMAF 10km Champs, Ashford, Kent

Sun 21st SVHC 10km track 1:00pm. SVHC AGM 2:00 pm. Coatbridge Outdoor Centre.

Sun 28th BMAF 10 Mile Championships, Tiptree


Sat 10th British & Irish Masters XC Champs, Belfast


MEMBERSHIP NOTES 26th November 2012


Welcome to the 12 new and 9 reinstated members who have joined or re-joined since 4 Sep 2012. 52 members have not renewed their subscriptions, and 2 members have resigned. We now have 463 paid up members.

If you have not set up a standing order, renewal subscriptions are due from the AGM date 21st October 2012. Please pay promptly. Annual subscription is still £15. Men o/65 & women o/60 £12.


The massive increase in postal charges has forced us to change to an electronic version of the Newsletter as the preferred option. Any member who wishes to continue receiving a printed Newsletter must contact me, if they have not already done so. Please inform me if you add or change your email address.

Please send photos, news, letters, articles, etc for the next issue to: DAVID FAIRWEATHER 12 POWBURN CRESCENT, UDDINGSTON, G71 7SS e-mail: Tel: 01698 810575

If any member would like to take over the editing of the Newsletter I would be very happy to hear from them.


Stewards/marshals are required for club races. The club appreciate all members & friends who volunteer to act as stewards/marshals. If you are not competing just turn up and introduce yourselves to the organisers. Thanks to all those who have already helped out.


Thank you to the members who have set up standing orders for membership subscriptions. Please remember to update the amount payable, & keep me informed if your membership details change (especially email addresses). If any other member wishes to set up a standing order please contact me.

Please ensure, if possible, that the next payment date is set for 10Nov2015, and annually thereafter.


SVHC running vests can be purchased from Molly Wilmoth for £15 (Tel: 0141 7764941).



James Burns 16-Oct-12 2104 Fairfield

Richard Davidson 13-Nov-12 2110 Greenock

Adrian Dow 25-Oct-12 2105 Kirkintilloch

 Yvonne Green 07-Nov-12 2107 Bearsden

Ian Johnstone 20-Sep-12 2101 Nairn

James Lewis 04-Oct-12 2103 Bishopbriggs

Graham McGrattan 16-Nov-12 2112 Greenock

Maureen McVey 01-Oct-12 2102 Cathcart

Norrie Neilson 30-Oct-12 2106 Longton

Miriam Rennet 16-Nov-12 2111 Newport-on-Tay

William Skinner 13-Nov-12 2109 Aberdeen

Andrew Stirling 11-Nov-12 2108 BO’NESS

David Adam 04-Sep-12 1907 Leuchars

George Y Black 05-Sep-12 26 Kingskettle

Paul Carroll 09-Oct-12 1894 Whitecrook

Maureen Gallacher 08-Nov-12 302 Lambhill

Claire Gilchrist 06-Sep-12 1787 Edinburgh

Frank Hurley 21-Sep-12 167 Cambuslang

Robin Sykes 21-Oct-12 163 Pollokshields

David Thom 18-Oct-12 1460 Rutherglen

Robert Turner 16-Oct-12 1879 Musselburgh



The Run and Become Veterans Race Series is set to continue next year thanks to the generous sponsorship of Run and Become, the specialist running retailer in Queensferry Street, Edinburgh.

The Series is based on the International Age Graded tables and will again have 8 scoring races from 12.

 The only change to last season’s programme is the inclusion of the National Masters Cross Country Championships, which replaces the National Senior Championships. As last year, runners can gain merit points by completing more than 8 races, an additional point being awarded for each race beyond race 8.

There will again be a very generous prize list including the Dale Greig Trophy to the first woman and the Jackie Gourlay Trophy to the winning man. Last season’s winners were Fiona Matheson and Stewart McCrae, with prizes going to the first 5 men and women and trophies to the winner of each 5 year age group. With such an attractive prize list there is plenty for everyone to aim for!

After the first race of the 2013 Series, the SVHC 10,000m at Coatbridge Track, the leading contenders are Robert Gilroy, Ian Johnston, and Russell Whittington in the Men’s competition and Fiona Matheson, Pamela McCrossan and Marie McChord in the Women’s competition.

The proposed races for 2013 are:

February 2 National Masters Cross Country Champs, Forres

April 7 Tom Scott Road Race Motherwell

April 14 Lochaber Marathon Fort William

May 1 Snowball Race Coatbridge

May 5 SVHC Walter Ross 10km Cartha Rugby Club

May 18 Bathgate Hill Race June ?

SAL Masters Track Champs (Men 5K, Women 3K)

June 5 Corstorphine 5 miles RR

June 26 SVHC 5K Clydebank

August 18 SVHC Glasgow 800 10K Cartha Rugby Club ( inc BMAF Champs) October 6 Half Marathon, Kirkintilloch

Some dates are provisional at this stage; further details will appear in your Newsletter and on the SVHC website.

Alastair Macfarlane



Name Change Proposal

Dear all, I have observed from afar the proposal and counter proposal for a re-vamp to the name of SVHC. It feels that the time is right to be heard on this matter.

Having been a master/vet athlete for only the past six years I do not have the attachment to the name SVHC that others clearly have, but fully understand that change is difficult for some, as we pride ourselves on our tradition in this country.

I have spoken at length to the master/vet athletes of Law & District AAC: Patrick Kelly, James Macdonald, Hilary McGrath. They are in agreement with myself that we should move to adopt Masters in our new title.

My own reasons are much deeper than modernising. I have been a Secondary School teacher for the past 20 years and many of my students have gone on and joined the armed forces. They have gone on to become what I would call true “Veterans” and I feel that we should do the right thing and adopt Masters as part of our new identity.

We all watched in amazement the events of London 2012, both the Olympics and the Paralympics; cheering on Mo, Jessica et al. But what amazed people more was the TRUE Veteran athletes, the men and women who served their country in Afghanistan and Iraq, and then overcame horrendous injuries and showed astonishing bravery to compete in London and make the whole country proud of their achievements.

There are lots of things that need to be changed in Scottish Athletics but let us get our own house in order first, and do the right thing and change for the right reasons.

It does not seem right that the SVHC vests have “Scottish Veterans” emblazoned on them, I do not feel we have earned the right to that name in this day and age.

“Scotland” would be more appropriate.

I am not totally against tradition as I would be happy for the SVHC badge on the vest to be retained (albeit with a much smaller V on it) as the roots of the club should not be forgotten. I hope you take the time to consider my thoughts on this subject and thank you for your time.

Stephen Allen Law & District AAC


Fellow Members, I wish to thank all those members who attended the Annual General Meeting on 21st. October and voted in favour of my motion to change the name Scottish Veteran Harriers Club to Scottish Masters Athletic Association.

I was well aware that it would be a huge ask for the proposal to obtain the necessary two thirds majority of votes cast but I was somewhat taken aback, and very disappointed, by the scale of the reverse.

It is very evident that my views on the current positioning of the club and my aspirations for its future are completely at odds with a significant majority of members, or at least of members who attend AGMs, and my fellow committee members.

I have enjoyed my time as Honorary Treasurer and my close involvement in the running of the club but have finally accepted that I will not be able to implement the changes which I feel are necessary for the organisation to become fully representative.

Under the circumstances I felt that, in all conscience, I could no longer continue to serve on the committee of the club.

Finally, I would like to wish the club and its individual members all the best for the future.

Yours in Sport, Mike Clerihew.


I would like to add my own comments to the previous letters. Up till now I have been a staunch supporter of the status quo, but I’m not a Luddite and I now think we have to move forward with the times.

Stephen’s argument is the best I’ve heard so far, and it’s a pity he couldn’t attend the AGM.

As Mike pointed out at the AGM, our Club is the National Association for promoting Veteran/Masters Athletics in Scotland. Prospective members viewing the name Scottish Veteran Harriers Club might not realize this.

I also had it brought home to me at the British & Irish Masters Cross Country International. I was Scottish Veterans/Masters Team Manager at this event, and was in regular contact with the other Team Managers, who were representatives of England Athletics Masters Association, Welsh Masters Athletics Association, Northern Ireland Masters Athletics Association and Irish Masters Athletes Association.

So the name Scottish Veteran Harriers Club stuck out like a sore thumb.

Our website is, and I sometimes receive membership applications with cheques made payable to Scottish Masters Athletics, so the name obviously causes some confusion,

David Fairweather

Ron Hill Cambuslang Harriers

SVHC Membership Secretary


Athletics Clubs should use Sports Students as Coaches.

The News Focus section of Athletics Weekly, 6th September, reported the dearth of coaches some athletics clubs are experiencing at present due to increased numbers post Olympic Games.

Here in Scotland, 4 athletics clubs – Central AC, East Kilbride & Whitemoss AC, Kilmarnock Harriers and Pitreavie AC – have advertised through the SportScotland website for people to become volunteer coaches.

From my experience in middle/long distance running as a competitor and an endurance coach, the aforementioned clubs, and other clubs having trouble attracting volunteers, should spread their net to a larger scale, for people trained to become coaches.

For example, I am a mature student studying for an honours degree in sports coaching.

Therefore I am surprised that athletics clubs don’t contact colleges and universities in their areas for their sports students to be asked if they are interested in utilizing their sport skills to coach athletes.

Sport students study courses in sport development, coaching and science. This includes practical and applied sessions to underpin the knowledge to become effective coaches; also to become able to work effectively, independently with little supervision, designing and conducting coaching programmes, showing awareness and value of ethical and cultural issues in sport and society to their own continued development in a sport coaching setting.

This form of academic sports coaching should be introduced into club coaching for post Olympic Games generation of athletes.

Peter McGregor Victoria Park City of Glasgow AC


 British and Irish Masters Cross Country International

On Saturday 10th November the cream of veteran runners from Scotland, England, Wales, Ireland and Northern Ireland headed to Belfast for the annual British and Irish Cross Country International. Each of the national Masters associations takes it in turn to host the event.

Last year it was hosted in Bellahouston Park in Glasgow about four miles from my house, so this was my first taste of going on tour with the Scottish Veteran Harriers and it was a weekend to remember.

The event was originally going to be at Stormont, but the course was waterlogged so it was moved to the excellent replacement of Queen’s University.

The course was a pretty flat 2 km loop, but there were a couple of small hills and some muddy stretches to make it a testing course.

There were three veterans’ International races and then an open veterans’ race to close proceedings for the day.

The first race was 3 loops of the course for the women’s teams and the male 65-69 and 70+ teams.

This resulted in an exciting finish with Clare Martin of England and Barbara Cleary heading into the final stages sprinting shoulder to shoulder. Unfortunately, Barbara misread where the finish was and stopped a few metres short leaving Clare to successfully defend the title she won in Glasgow last year.

Fiona Matheson was the pick of the Scottish women and won the 50-54 category finishing 5th overall, Sue Ridley picked up a bronze medal in the F45 category and Liz Bowers won the F60 bronze.

In the men’s 65-69 category there was another exciting finish between the England team mates Martin Ford and Peter Young being given the same with Martin edging it. They were followed by George Mitchell of Scotland who picked up the bronze medal. Les Haynes of England won the M70 category with Gordon Omrie of Wales edging Scotland’s Pete Cartwright out in the battle for second place.

The next race was 4 loops of the 2 km course for M50- 54 through to M60-64. The race was won overall by Graham Saker of England 5 secs ahead of local boy Deon McNeilly of Northern Ireland. Neil Thin of Edinburgh AC was first Scot finishing in 5th place and Ian Stewart won the silver medal in the M55 category. Mike Hager of England added another gold medal to his collection in the M60 category and Scotland’s Andy McLinden picked up the silver.

The final championship race was the M35 through to M45 race and my chance to test myself in a tough competition.

The field soon spread out and I found myself towards the back of the field in a race with my Bellahouston Road Runners club mate Greig Glendinning and Scott Martin of Kilmarnock. I knew that they had been getting similar results to me recently so we worked together to push each other on to the best of our abilities.

This race was won by M40 Andy Morgan- Lee of England who beat Ireland’s Ciaran Doherty, who won the M35 race. First Scot was Kerry Liam Wilson with Charlie Thomson narrowly missing out on a medal in the M45 category by one second.

I finished down in 74th out of 87 finishers, but was delighted to have been given the opportunity to race in such a prestigious race.

To celebrate the event we headed out for an evening at the excellent Europa hotel where we were treated to a large slice of Irish hospitality. A three course meal was followed by the awards ceremony.

David has summarised the team medal winners in his report.

The night was finished off brilliantly by an excellent live band, who covered a wide range of music and got the dance floor jumping until the early hours of the morning. Particular mention must go to Kenny MacPherson for his unique brand of dancing. It was very entertaining and worth making the trip just to experience that. The closest similarity I could think of would be Bez from the Happy Mondays in a kilt.

Next year the event moves to Colwyn Bay, North Wales and SVHC would like to get as many runners as possible signed up to compete for places in the team to try to build on this year’s success.

Russell Whittington Bellahouston Road Runners



Standing on the start line in Belfast amidst 70 other athletes wondering why on earth you had been selected to run for your country is a strange feeling. Unlike any other race I’ve participated in there was no ‘banter’ amongst the runners, everyone was totally focused on the race to come. This was serious running, no place to hide or have an ‘easy run’.

People may think that it’s an easy vest to get. But believe me seeing some of the athletes taking part, who, when I was younger were internationals & inspirational to me, standing a few yards away, brings home the reality that this is not an event to be taken lightly.

Some debate rages on why we have ‘Scottish Veterans’ on the vests rather than ‘Scotland’ due to the fact that it is SVHC who organise the Vets international selection rather than Scottish Athletics – does this demean the honour of representing your country?

Ask any of the Scottish runners at Belfast & the majority of them consider themselves as representing Scotland not Scottish Vets. As far as I was concerned when I put the vest on I was representing Scotland & felt immense pride in doing so, and I was prepared to run myself into the ground for Country & Team.

Running around the course with the spectators from all teams shouting “Come on Scotland” (not “Scottish Vets”) brought a lump to the throat when you realized that it was you they were shouting at. It made you feel 10ft tall and knocked off a few seconds from the run.

After the race hostilities were suspended, we met ‘old’ friends we raced against years ago, met up with again in the evening & shared a few drinks with them – a fantastic weekend with a lot of warmth & humour (after the race!)

A day I’ll never forget especially when we picked up team bronze. (5th vet overall, 2nd team counter) It was made even better with Lorraine & George also picking up deserved team medals. (and Hazel from the Haddies who also picked up a medal).

Tony Martin Fife AC


British & Irish Masters Cross Country International Sat 10th November 2012 Queen’s University Playing Fields, Belfast – Reporter David Fairweather

 The selection process for this event starts earlier every year, mainly because the hotels insist on having guest lists finalised 4-6 weeks in advance. We started selecting our team at the end of August, and aimed to complete the selection by 4th October. In reality, many runners were unavailable, and there were several call-offs, so we were still making changes a few days before the event.

Like last year there were last minute changes, but this time it entailed a complete venue change. Jim Newberry, Chairman, Northern Ireland Masters Athletics Association, and Event Co-ordinator, announced on 19th October that the course at Stormont was waterlogged. The venue was transferred to Queens University Playing Fields because they were in good condition.

I’d originally booked rooms at the Europa Hotel but, due to communication problems on both sides, the booking was cancelled! Fortunately, I managed to arrange rooms for most of the team at Jury’s Inn, which is very close to the Europa.

I travelled by bus/ferry to Belfast, and met a few runners en route. Just before boarding at Cairnryan, Walter McCaskey was relieved to meet me, as he’d forgotten which hotel he was staying in!

We had a perfect crossing to Belfast, and were able to relax in preparation for Saturday’s racing. Most of the team met up at Jury’s Inn, and with the help of Hazel, Lynne & Archie we got most of the numbers and dinner dance tickets distributed. (though next morning 2 runners confessed that they’d mislaid their numbers!)

Russell and Tony have given good accounts of the races, so I’ll just summarise the Scotland results.

The Team Managers met at 5pm after the event to check the results, but unfortunately they all failed to notice that 1 runner John Convery M50 ENG had not been recorded in Race 2 and, even worse, that 3 finishers had not been recorded in Race 3. Tim Hartley ENG and Steve Cairns NI had actually finished 3rd M40 and 3rd M45 respectively. Michael McLoone had finished 15th M45. I have amended the results in this Newsletter to include these 4 runners.

There also seemed to be discrepancies with some runners’ times in these 2 races. It was unfortunate, but did not detract from an excellent day’s racing. Jim Newberry and his team are to be congratulated on promoting such an excellent event after the upheaval of the previous 3 weeks. Jim even managed to take part in Race 2, finishing a creditable 10th M60.

In Race 1 Fiona Matheson gave another 1st class performance, finishing 1st W50 and 5th overall. Sue Ridley W45 and Liz Bowers W60 both won bronze medals. Joasia Zakrzewski finished 7th W35, Jacqui Thomson, made a welcome return to the team to finish 6th W45, while Pamela McCrossan, after being overlooked for the team for many years, finished 8th W50.

Hazel Bradley returned to the team after missing last year’s event to finish 8th W60.

George Mitchell M65 and Pete Cartwright M70 both won bronze medals.

In Race 2, Ian Stewart M55 and Andy McLinden M60 both won silver medals; Neil Thin M50, Brian Gardner M55 and Tony Martin M60 all finished 5th in their categories.

In Race 3, Kerry Wilson M40 and Charlie Thomson M45 were the highest placed Scots, both finishing 5th. It was a relief to see Charlie finish safely as he has struggled with injuries in the last 5 years, so this was the first year he has managed to run in the event.

The Scottish results were a bit disappointing, but a lot of runners were unavailable for various reasons. However, we still won 2 silver and 6 bronze team medals, and finished 3rd in all the overall team results.

Race 1: 6km for Women (all age groups) and M65+

W35: 4 SCOTLAND, 7 Joasia Zakrzewski 22:29, 10 Avril Mason 23:50, 15 Claire McCracken 24:12, 18 Barbara Knox (W45) 26:31.

W40: 5 SCOTLAND, 15 Hazel Dean (W45) 24:58, 16 Rhona Anderson (W45) 25:02, 18 Shona Aiken 26:09, 19 Clare Barr 26:54.

W45: 3 SCOTLAND, 3 Sue Ridley 23:12, 6 Jacqui Thomson23:53, 13 Lorraine Brown 25:11, 19 Sharyn Ramage 26:22.

W50: 3 SCOTLAND, 1 Fiona Matheson 22:03, 8 Pamela McCrossan 24:58, 12 Sonia Armitage 25:25, 15 Beryl Junnier 25:49

W55: 3 SCOTLAND, 9 Jane Waterhouse 27:05, 11 Phyllis Hands 27:31, 14 Jan Fellowes 30:02.

W60: 3 SCOTLAND, 3 Liz Bowers 26:25, 8 Hazel Bradley 27:53, 15 Ann Bath 34:55. M65: 2 SCOTLAND, 3 George Mitchell 24:43, 7 Colin Youngson 25:08, 14 Stewart McCrae 26:03, 15 Hamish Cameron 26:10

M70: 3 SCOTLAND, 3 Pete Cartwright 25:32, 9 George Black 28:03. 14 Watson Jones 28:58, 16 Ian Leggett 29:49,

Race 2: 8km for M50, M55 & M60:

M50: 5 SCOTLAND, 5 Neil Thin 27:47, 12 Iain Campbell 28:08, 21 John Stevenson 29:38, 24 Colin Feechan 30:04, 25 Willie Jarvie 30:26, 28 Gerry Montgomery 31:44.

M55: 2 SCOTLAND, 2 Ian Stewart 28:31, 5 Brian Gardner 28:49, 9 Gerry Gaffney 29:39, 13 Alastair Dunlop 30:23.

M60: 3 SCOTLAND, 2 Andy McLinden 29:50, 5 Tony Martin 30:40, 15 Robert Marshall 33:11, 17 Ian Johnstone 33:46.

RACE 3: 8KM FOR M35, M40 & M45:

M35: 5 SCOTLAND, 18 John MacNamara 28:35, 23 Stephen Allan 29:33, 24 Joe McKnight 29:41, 25 Russell Whittington 29:51, 26 Paul Carroll (M40) 29:52, 27 Scott Martin (M40) 29:53.

M40: 4 SCOTLAND, 5 Kerry Wilson 27:29, 21 Greg Hastie 28:37, 22 Ian Johnston 28:48, 24 Kenny McPherson 29:12, 25 Grant Wilkie 29:29, 26 Greig Glendinning 30:00.

M45: 5 SCOTLAND, 5 Charlie Thomson 28:06, 12 John Blair 28:54, 15 Michael McLoone 29:17, 28 Alan Derrick 31:25, 29 Gary Mitchell 31:59.

With racing over, it was time to enjoy the Dinner Dance and medal presentations at the Europa Hotel. The medals and awards were very efficiently presented, and I hope future organisers took note of this.

Jan Fellowes won the raffle prize of a w/e for 2 at Slieve Donard Hotel, plus £100 spending money. A couple of hours were left for dancing, and a good time was had by all.

Some of us then adjourned to the bar at Jury’s Inn, where I was unceremoniously ejected when I rashly decided to join in the singing of Molly Malone! I now know that you don’t sing a Dublin song in Belfast.

Next morning after breakfast 4 of us walked over to the Bus Station to catch the bus to the ferry. Andy suddenly realised he’d forgotten his ticket! He managed to run to the hotel, retrieve his ticket, and get back in time to catch the bus. He said he would have outrun Mike Hager if he’d been there!

During the journey back we agreed that next year we should appoint a carer for the older team members! Next year the event will be held at Colwyn Bay, with hotel accommodation in Llandudno. We will be using a coach for the journey.


 Running has let Wilson get ahead of his Demons – Richard Winton

 The question appears innocent enough, little more than a final thought after 20 minutes of fairly inconsequential conversation about one man’s spate of sporting success.

 “What has running given you?” Kerry-Liam Wilson, who earlier this month completed an annual clean sweep of Scottish Masters running titles by finishing third in the Loch Ness Marathon, pauses momentarily. “My life,” he says quietly. The words hang in the air as he clears his throat. “I suffer quite badly from depression but I get rid of my frustrations and anger when I’m running. Without being too dramatic about it, it gives me encouragement to get up in the morning and, if I didn’t have that focus, I don’t know if I’d even be here talking to you now.”

The words are delivered in a matter-of-fact tone; there is no sensationalism or bombast about the 42-year-old’s admission, only relief at the modicum of control he has managed to exert on an illness that has been part of his life since 1990. There were, he admits, times when he wanted to do little more than hide in bed. “And if I did get up and go to work I’d sit on the bridge outside Girvan, look at the fast-flowing river and think about jumping in,” he confesses.

It was only the thought of wife Kate and sons Caine and Kalle that stopped him taking his own life during those dark days.

Having never known his own father, Wilson could not countenance his own children being in a similar situation, particularly as 11-year-old Kalle has autistic tendencies, has not spoken since he was born and suffered a stroke in January of last year.

Running, he says, helps quell the anger created by such difficult circumstances, even if there are still times when he struggles to maintain his morale.

 Yet his introduction to the sport came almost entirely by chance. A decent cross country runner at school, he trained with a local football team for a while and started cycling and jogging once he became a father, but his recreational time was spent mainly following Aberdeen and Scotland home and away.

 “I would get an 8am train, get there for midday, head to the Pittodrie Bar for a pint and a plate of stovies, go to the game and get the train back down to Girvan for 10pm,” he recalls. “I was single, liked a drink and had money in my pocket, but once I got to 33, I realised there was more to life and needed a change of direction.”

A chance conversation with an athletics coach offered just that. With Caine having recently started running after growing frustrated at his lack of opportunities at a local football club, his father was invited to join in one evening to keep an eye on the then 7-year-old and soon found himself immersed.

“I went from being told by the football coach that ‘if I wasn’t happy I could get my own f***** team’ to athletics, where it didn’t matter how good or bad you are, everyone got a number,” Wilson says. “I’d enjoyed my fair share of drink so I wasn’t in great shape but I stuck at it and slowly improved.”

Not that slowly, as it happens. His first 10km race took just 36 minutes, his second a couple of weeks later a minute-and-a half less, and suddenly he discovered a desire to go quicker and quicker; an appetite sated when he joined Ron Hill Cambuslang Harriers.

Years of hard work has culminated this year in his most successful season yet, winning the Scottish title in the over-35 age group at 5km, 10km and 10-mile distance as well as both the half and full marathon and the National cross country.

October’s Loch Ness marathon completed the set, franking a dominance of the Masters’ scene that also includes taking four of the five titles last season.

“I missed the 10- mile last year because I had a marathon the same day, so it was special to do all five this year,” says Wilson of a feat that has earned him a nomination for Scottish Athletics Masters Athlete of the Year award. “It’s not quite sunk in yet but I’m actually quite disappointed with the marathon because I was on for a 2:27 before my legs died in the last three miles.”

That upset will linger. Wilson’s mindset is such he finds it difficult to accept any slip in standards, a consequence of his depression perhaps, but he insists he would much rather deal with those feelings than the ones he wrestled with during his darkest days.

“It’s just the type of character I am,” he explains. “The running can help me deal with the depression but it can also trigger it in some ways. “The worst times are when you get an injury or when you are slogging your guts out all week but running crap in a race. You wonder sometimes why you’re doing it but I don’t have anything academically to give my kids – I’m a production line operator at WM Grants – so at least this gives me something to show them now and will do when I’m still running round muddy fields on a wet February morning at the age of 65.”

Originally published in The Herald, Friday 12 October, 2012


Runner Guides Addicts to a Recovery Marathon – Richard Winton

Henry Curran recounts an anecdote about a recovering drug addict and reformed criminal who had taken up running.

One day, while pounding through a Glasgow park, he spotted two familiar faces jogging the other way. “He looked at them, they looked at him and there was a moment of recognition,” Curran explains. “But it was not just a couple of prison officers recognising an inmate; it was three people realising they had more in common than they thought.”

For once, the addict’s identity was not solely predicated on drugs. In that moment, perceptions were challenged and prejudices disabused on both sides because of sport’s capacity to unify hitherto disparate individuals.

Curran tells the story in relation to September’s Great Scottish Run, which will bring together around 20,000 people in Glasgow for one of Scotland’s largest mass participation sporting events.

Inspired by the parable of the addict, the 60-year-old race veteran has amassed a team of over 150 users dealing with drug and alcohol abuse, who will take part under the banner of Glasgow’s GRAND Recovery Runners as part of an annual city-wide initiative – Getting Real about Alcohol ‘N’ Drugs – to support community responses to alcohol and drug issues.

Having lobbied for funding to cover the £28 entry fee, Curran has held open training sessions at Glasgow Green in recent weeks as the race nears and can already divine a difference in the behaviour and self-esteem of those taking part.

“It’s given them a sense of purpose,” explains the project leader of New Horizons, a training and employment scheme based in Queenslie. “And it’s brought together people from different projects, which doesn’t happen too often. The stumbling block was the entry fee because, for someone who is on a giro, that is a lot of money, but now I imagine we’ll be the biggest team there on the day even if we’re realistic to know that not all of them will turn up.”

For those who do, it carries the potential to be a life altering experience. Previously characterised only by their addiction, they will soon be able to call themselves runners, their entire identities changing and moving towards something more positive.

“A lot of these guys couldn’t look in a mirror before because they didn’t like what they saw,” says Curran. “Once you get them clean, they start to remember all the things they did and some of it is not very nice so when they’re running towards the finishing line and all these people are cheering, what a huge self esteem boost that will be, even though the noise is not necessarily for them.”

Curran speaks from experience. Although never an addict himself, he has savoured the feeling of crossing the line on several occasions since taking up running a few years ago, recording a best time of just over 90 minutes for the half marathon despite being well into his 50s and completing a marathon in under 31/2 hours just four years after he first wheezed his way through 16 minutes on a treadmill at New Horizon’s headquarters.

Working on the premise that you have to practise what you preach, he was soon dragging himself round 10km circuits before the project set up Team Horizon and began training.

“I just got the bug. I don’t do anything for fun so I began taking it really seriously but I’ve got a foot condition so I’ve not been able to train for this one. I’ll get around though,” he vows, determined not to be shown up by the people he describes as his “clients”.

That term chimes with the approach that New Horizon takes to helping those who want to kick their habit. Open to addicts over the age of 16, they currently have 68 in their programme which has run since 2000, with 10 of those completely drug-free and a further 9 weaned off their dependency on alcohol.

Although based on referrals, the onus is on the clients to not only get themselves clean – “we ask them what they are going to change” – but also to develop a life after addiction, through either education or employment.

Although realistic enough to know that not every member of the programme will succeed, Curran remains unrelentingly positive about the prospects of those under his guidance. “I love coming to my work because this is a unique place and people feel something when they come through the door,” he says.

“Sure, I sometimes get pissed off by some of the things in the press or that politicians come away with about addiction because of a lack of knowledge or understanding but I never get frustrated, because there is always a solution. When people come in here they speak to people just like themselves, who are clean and realise they can do it too. 9 times out of 10 they know the person; in fact, there is one guy who is clean and they all know him because he used to deal to them.

“But then they’ll maybe say, ‘okay, you can get clean but you won’t get a job’ but that’s blown out of the water because we have a guy here with a criminal record four pages long – serious stuff, too – and he’s now been working for 18 months. They might think ‘who’s going to give a job to a former junkie with a criminal record?’ But how do they know that the person interviewing them has not got a similar background? You just never know what you have in common with people.

Originally published in The Herald, Friday 24 August, 2012


Liz Bowers

 Liz was a member of the bronze medal-winning W60 team at the British and Irish Masters Cross Country International, and also won the individual bronze medal. She now lives with husband Martin in Nancy in Northern France.

Prior to competing at Belfast Liz had run in the French National Half Marathon Championships on Oct. 7th in Nancy, where she came second in the V3 class (W60). Her time over a hilly and wet course was 95:00 minutes and put her a minute behind the winner but equally 50 seconds clear of the third lady. An excellent run over a distance that is well beyond that which she favours.



Annual General Meetings are normally an unexciting and even boring part of the necessity of any club’s life. I don’t think that charge could be levelled at the SVHC AGM held at Coatbridge Outdoor Sports Centre on 21st October.

The major point of activity was a motion from Club Treasurer, Mike Clerihew, to change the name of the club to Scottish Masters Athletics Association. Mike had carried out a survey, via the Club Newsletter, about a year previously to gauge whether there would be an appetite for a change. The response then, although from a small number of respondents, was overwhelmingly for change.

However, an email survey is one thing, getting people out to attend a meeting and vote is quite another, and after much heated debate the proposal was heavily defeated.

A point of concern came from the treasurer’s report; although the club is in a reasonably healthy financial position at the moment, largely due to hosting the Masters Cross Country International last year, we are still spending more than we are bringing in and further cost cutting will inevitably have to take place.

When it came to the election of Office Bearers and Committee Mike Clerihew stood down and Stewart McCrae was elected as Treasurer while Willie Drysdale, who has served the club in several positions over the years, did not seek re-election and Campbell Joss became Club Secretary. In addition, new faces on the committee are John Bell, Phyllis Hands, Andy Law and Paul Thompson. I know that club members will wish to join me in thanking Willie and Mike for their hard work and tireless devotion on behalf of the club over a long period of time.

The full committee is

Honorary President – Bob Donald

President – Alastair Macfarlane Immediate

Past President: – Peter Ogden

Vice President – Ada Stewart

Secretary – Campbell Joss

Treasurer – Stewart McCrae

Membership Secretary – David Fairweather

Handicapper – Peter Rudzinski

Committee – John Bell, Phyllis Hands, Andy Law, Paul Thompson

Full contact details for committee members can be found on page 15 of this Newsletter and on the club website.

Alastair Macfarlane



Honorary President: ROBERT DONALD

President: ALASTAIR MACFARLANE 7 Andrew Avenue, Lenzie, G66 5HF Tel: 0141 5781611

Immediate Past President: PETER OGDEN 16 Springhill Road Glasgow, G69 6HH Tel: 0141 7711950

Vice-President: ADA STEWART 30 Earlsburn Road, Lenzie, G66 5PF Tel: 0141 5780526

Honorary Secretary: CAMPBELL JOSS 25 Speirs Road Bearsden, G61 2LX Tel: 0141 9420731

Honorary Treasurer: STEWART MCCRAE 17 Woodburn Way Balloch Cumbernauld. G68 9BJ Tel: 01236 728783

Membership Secretary: DAVID FAIRWEATHER 12 Powburn Crescent Uddingston, G71 7SS Tel: 01698 810575

Handicapper: PETER RUDZINSKI 106 Braes Avenue Clydebank. G81 1DP Tel.0141 5623416

Committee Members:

JOHN BELL Flat 3/1, 57 Clouston Street Glasgow G20 8QW Tel. 0141 9466949

ROBERT DONALD 3 Manse Road Bearsden, G61 3PT Tel: 0141 9422971

PHYLLIS HANDS 39 Albany Drive Lanark ML11 9AF Tel. 01698 252498

ANDY LAW Euphian, Kilduskland Road Ardrishaig Argyll. PA30 8EH Tel. 01546 605336

PAUL THOMPSON Whitecroft, 5 Gareloch Brae, Shandon, Helensburgh G84 8PJ Tel. 01436 821707

BMAF Delegates Alastair Macfarlane ANO

SAL West District Delegate Willie Drysdale

SAL Delegate at AGM Ada Stewart

Auditor George Inglis



Sun 9th Xmas h’cap. 5.3 miles 1:30pm. Cartha Rugby Club. Pre entry Pollok Park JANUARY 2013

Sun 27th Scottish Veteran Harriers Open Masters Road Relays Strathclyde Park Motherwell 11:00am Pre entry


Sat 2nd SAL Masters Cross Country Champs Forres

Sun 10th SAL Masters Indoor Champs Commonwealth Arena, Glasgow

Sat 23rd SAL National Cross Country Champs Callendar Park, Falkirk

MARCH 2013

Tue/Sun 19/24 European Indoor, Cross-Country, Road Championships. San Sebastian, Spain

APRIL 2013

Sunday 7th Strathclyde Park Motherwell 10:00am Sunday 14th Lochaber Marathon 11am Fort William

MAY 2013

Wed 1st [PROVISIONAL] Snowball 4.8m road race 7:30 pm. Coatbridge Outdoor Centre. Convener Ada Stewart

Sun 5th SVHC Walter Ross 10km 1:30pm Cartha Rugby Club

Sat 18th Bathgate Hill Race 2:30pm

Fri/Sun 24/26th EVAA Non-Stadia Championships – Upice, Czech Republic

JUNE 2013

Wed 5th Corstorphine 5 miles RR 7:30 pm. Turnhouse Rd, Edinburgh

Wed 26th SVHC 5km road race. 7:30pm. Playdrome, Clydebank

AUGUST 2013 Sun 18th SVHC Glasgow 800 10km road race Cartha Rugby Club ( inc BMAF Champs)





Were you a sportsman in the 1920’s and 1930’s the name of Ggroe would have been familiar, had you been an athlete, especially a cross country runner in the same period, it would have been very familiar.   It was a time when almost every sports writer  had a pen name – by-lines were pretty well unheard of.   Line drawings to accompany the articles were the norm.   You can see several things from the headline above: the writer’s name was above the headline.   The surrounding drawing was large enough to ensure that it was also more prominent and the drawing was appropriate to the article.   Ggroe however was none other than former international athlete, top class official and administrator George Dallas of Maryhill Harriers, and he wrote in Glasgow’s Daily Record.  

He covered many races, mainly in the West of Scotland and the two illustrations here are from his coverage of the Midlands District Cross-Country Championships.   He also covered the national championship on several occasions.    There is however no doubt that he was at this time entirely a reporter – which is what the sport needs on every Monday morning for 52 weeks of the year.    He wrote well and his race descriptions are detailed, comprehensive and accompanied with as many results as he could get into the paper.      What did a typical Ggroe report look like?   

First there was the headline which had the main information – note the top line above.   Second there was the report.   Third there was the results in depth, and four what was not there was any mention of the writer.   

The report to go with the headline above read:

“Plebeian Harriers had to relinquish their hold of the Ten Miles Midland District Relay Championship at Hamilton on Saturday to Motherwell YMCA who must be heartily congratulated on displaying great form to best the holders by 150 yards in 60 minutes 19 seconds.   WJ Gunn (Plebeian), WS Fisher (West of Scotland) and R Graham (Motherwell YMCA) were the leaders at the end of the first ciruit of two and a half miles of a very trying course in the snow.   SK Tombe, JB Tait and W Gardiner were their respective club colleagues who took over for the second lap.   Before a mile had been traversed, Gardiner for Motherwell, went into the lead, Tombe of Plebeian doing his best to hold him.   AH Blair (Maryhill) was in a favourable position.   Going for the third lap, H Maitland who took over from Gardiner, was in a practically unassailable position.   T Clark, Plebeian, could make no impression, indeed he lost ground.   Dunkey Wright, Maryhill, was given the difficult task of trying to reduce a gap of 90 yards between him and the leader.   In the end JNH Gardiner crowned a brilliant achievement for Motherwell YMCA in gaining the verdict over Plebeian in a decisive fashion.”   

That report took up just 35 lines.   The results which followed took up 66 lines for the team results, and 25 lines for the individuals.   The club results took the form of teams in order with names and times for each of the first 20 teams with places and time for the last six teams.   Reporting of the highest order.   It was of course a different era with different priorities but George had been a runner for many years, he had also been an administrator and official at many races thereafter and he knew what the athletes and their clubs wanted and needed.   His target readership was almost certainly the athletics and cross-country population.   Available space might be bigger but regardless of the space available, 62% of the available space was given over to detailed results.   

It was a typical Ggroe report.   The War ended Ggroe’s career but not George Dallas’s.

.When Walter Ross started’ The Scots Athlete’ magazine in a time when newsprint was rationed in 1946, George was one of those he turned to for support.   Issue number 4 saw a front page article by George which showed what a good writer he was.   The photograph at the head of the article is above.  Part of the item is reprinted here.


Reviewed by George Dallas

First of all let me congratulate the authors of this splendid periodical – a much felt want – in these days when newsprint is so limited and affecting our usual mediums of publicity which undoubtedly helps to liven our movement.   May the Editor and his able assistants succeed in staying the course and weather the uncertainty and arrive at the goal when it can be said that ‘The Scots Athlete’ is now a self-supporting organ maintained by those who have the right to sustain its lifetime.

Noe for the review of the fifty fourth championships for which I was invited to make a modest contribution.   After a lapse of seven trying years in our lifetime, the Scottish Amateur Athletic Association resumed their annual championships at Hampden Park by kind permission of Queen’s Park Football Club .   On the last occasion, in 1939, the youths series of tests were linked to this fixture.   This year, however, it was deemed advisable to separate the classes, and I think it was a wise decision, and in some respects at least, it may be said that the results have justified the steps taken.   Athletically and financially, both the Youths Championship at Edinburgh on June 8th, and the Senior fixture on June 21st and 22nd,  paid handsome dividends that exceeded expectations.   Both efforts have substantially augmented the coffers of the Association, and I would venture to say that moneys accruing therefrom may figure in the region of 70% of the total liquid assets standing in the name of the SAAA – a position never before known in the history of the movement.   

So much for my remarks on the material side of the programme.   What about the athletic analysis of the first post-war venture?   Do results suggest an early return to pre-war standards, and are the prospects bright enough to hope for the day soon when Scotland may be able to play more than an ordinary part in International Athletics?

Certainly we have one or two personalities capable of making their mark in the field of first class competition.   Undoubtedly Alan S Paterson, Victoria Park AAC, H D McD Clark, Greenock Wellpark Harriers, and John B Panton, also of Victoria Park, emerge at once as a trio qualified for the special attention of the experts looking ahead for Olympic possibles.”

Dallas then went on to look at individual events and competitors.   The above is approximately half of the  article but it serves to illustrate the quality of his writing – a bit verbose for the twenty first century perhaps, but well in keeping with the best journalistic standards of the time.

He covered several big events for Walter’s magazine but also wrote for the ‘Glasgow Herald’.   The Edinburgh to Glasgow Relay was re-started in 1949 with two runs over the course and in 1950 the report, although uncredited, was almost certainly the work of Dallas.   At a time of severely rationed newsprint, the report ran to 41 closely printed lines of which 15 were the report.  Simple arithmetic tells us that there were 26 left for the results!   Places, clubs, every individual in the club plus their individual times and the aggregate time was given for the first five clubs.   Thereafter only the sixth team was noted with its aggregate time.   There followed the fastest times on each stage for which the start and finish point of the stage was give, the distance of the stage, the name, club and time of the fastest man on that stage.   It was a pretty comprehensive result when there a serious shortage of available space.   Again, no mention of the writer, no opinions, just straight reportage.   

It is at times easy to dismiss reporting as inferior to ‘journalism’ in some way, but on a Monday morning, especially after a big race or championship, runners need these results and information.   I used to run every Sunday with a good pack and the start of every two hour run (most Sundays) was spent analysing the results from the previous day’s race.   One of our number had a good head for figures and he could recite details that the rest of us had barely noticed, if we noticed them at all.   George was an outstanding reporter at a time when the sport needed one.   Aye, and we could maybe do with one now who prioritised facts over opinion on a Monday morning.

George Dallas as a runner  before the first War           George Dallas as a runner after the War

TIA Number 2

Although there were a number of features that carried over from ‘The Scots Athlete’, it was a much different magazine in terms of content.   eg in this issue the results of the Edinburgh to Glasgow Relay were confined to a supplement, which it shared with other domestic races, and there were no photographs.  The international aspect is evident from the article by Percy Cerutty in Australia,  the piece about ‘The Johnson Letter’ and the general tone of the magazine.  Here it is, see what you think.

AiS Number 30

Another very interesting edition – last one had a two page interview with Dunky Wright, this one has an interview with Ron Clarke by Graham Milne.  A bit of a scoop one would have thought.    There was also a report on the international between GB and Sweden at Meadowbank.   Happy days indeed.


AiS Number 29

I submitted some articles to George for consideration and he printed them all.   This one was the first one and just after it was published I met Eddie Knox at Coatbridge who told me that he had been on a coaching weekend at Largs where Frank Dick said that I had accused him of taking the fun out of athletics!   I didn’t do anything of the sort but read it for yourself.   The magazine was still going strong and there were five full page adverts – the fact that he was holding the big organisations that appeared in the first few magazines for what had now been two and a half years is a testament to the publication.

